Pedra's Blog

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Changing My Plan….



Hi everyone please excuse my bad English coz I only finished high school and have some college so I have a friend who is college educated help me with this blog.

I am at 32, 4 feet 11 tall and weigh 40 kilos. I finished high school and started college but I did not have the money or time while working to finish and now getting a steady paying job at my age is very hard here. I live in a small room over an internet café with my son. Doing odd jobs and washing clothes for people to support myself and my son without a father was not part of the my plan for my life. I had hoped to be married and living with a good husband and having a family.

I did get married. To an American which I will call George. I was about 28, he was 51, and I had no experience with men coz I had lived with family in the provinces all my life. I did not know it at the time, but George was living some fantasy and was only interested in bringing an Asian woman back to the US for some weird things that I was not aware of when I married him and would not agree to. So he went off and married another lady here who I knew, without first getting our marriage annulled. Yes, she knew I was married to him already and we were not annulled and she marry him anyway. So very sad.

The last I heard, George and this other woman filed a false fiancé visa for her and they moved to the US and got married in a place called Carson City, where when she found out what weird things he wanted her to do, she quickly left him too. I am told she is hiding somewhere in the US now. The last time I talked to George, he told me he was changing his name to hide from the police about the visa fraud and bigamy and he was planning another trip back here. With help from some American friends who know computers, they told me many things about him that they found out and they are helping me with the embassy and immigration to stop George from doing this to anyone else. George uses his birth name and the name of his stepfather when he wants to hide.

After George left me for good, I met a man from Europe. Nice man I thought. Again, I was wrong. I found out too late he has lived here many years on his pension and had many girl friends and many babies. Finding new girl friends was his hobby. He was very cheap. When we would go out to eat, if I did not eat everything on the plate, he would make me pay for my meal. He is the father of my son. I am doing my best to see that my son is raised with more respect for people than his father has. We don’t like lying people.

I get no help from my sons father at all. But I am doing the best as I can on my own. I am learning more about people and how to make better decisions and that is one reason I joined this forum. I want to understand foreign men better and hope to one day find a stable man who will love me and my son and we all can live a nice quiet life. I am not an expensive woman.

There is a lot of information on this forum that I really don’t understand. So if I reply to anyone asking a question, please don’t call me stupid. I am learning as much as I can and will try to do better.

I am from a small place called Badian Cebu. No running water, no electricity until I moved to Cebu City with my older sister to go to school at age 14. I don’t drive and I am not sure if I ever want to. I have become friends by email to one foreign who is married and chats with me about life and tries to help me understand life and gives me strength to strive for a better life for myself and my son.

I am going back to Badian now to vote and will be back in City next week. If you want to be friends and help me with questions about this forum, I really do need help. Bye for now.


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PedraNo one on here will call you stupid, If you need to know something, Don`t be afraid to ask, Their are a lot of nice people on this forum that will try and answer any of your questions.I wish you well for the future.Regards Brock.

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thanks brock.....i know i can met some nice person on this site

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Hi Pedra, I feel for your situation. U look beautiful on your photo with your child. Hang in there...God will bless you when the time is right.

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hi Pedra so does your son live with you also? how about your family do you help support them also? it sounds like you have a hard life so I wish you all the best

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I too am Filipino, but grew up in the U.S. since the age of 7 and now retired with my wife here in the Philippines. I know all too well the lives of the underprivileged Filipinos in this country living in poverty. It's really a sad situation to see people suffering in so many ways and where the local government can't even help everyone in need! So, one has to do what one can to survive! All I can say is good luck to you in your future endeavors.

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Hi there how are you wish everything was fine with you......I rent a smalll room in the city with my son i separate with my family......i work part time here.....get little income enough to survived....its really hard to find good job parent are live in the mountain.......they both they cant help me thats why i try to find way to have income every day for i can support the need of my son.......i had many trials comes in my life but i never give up......anyway thank you so much wish to hear from u soon...have a pleasant day and more blessing to come in you life and ur family23_11_59[1].gif

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hi mr roy......have a wonderful day with you there and your family ......thank you i appreciate it......i wish i could met more friend here......

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im glad to met you and im happpy of ur good life there....we alll know about nthe the government here cant provides job to alll people, many poor people sacrifice the crisis ....and some of filipino people go to other country to work because of poverty..... thank you......God bless you and your family

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  • Forum Support

Dear Pedra,I sometimes display the picture of you and your cute little boy on my work computer if any of my single workmates ask about you I will tell them about you. Have you had any luck with an annulment (spelling?) I hope you and your family can have a better future soon!

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helllo how are you? wish everything was fine there and your family.Thank you for the nice words u say....and about my annullment i have no luck about it coz its cost money then it take long time to process. hope i could found many friends on this forum godbless u allpedra

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Married Kano


Hang in there and don't give up. Not all foreigners are bad guys althought many come here just to "play" and then leave. The main thing is if or when you try a relationship again, remember you have a child and finding a good husband will hopefully will proide a good father for him and a good roll model for him as well.Gene and family

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Married Kano


helllo how are you? wish everything was fine there and your family.Thank you for the nice words u say....and about my annullment i have no luck about it coz its cost money then it take long time to process. hope i could found many friends on this forum godbless u allpedra
Hi Pedra, we are doing good here. Just about time for summer vacation from school for our daughter. Hmmm too bad parents don't get a vacation too :541:. Hope you have a great summer, Gene and Viol...
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hi, Pedra! Kumusta ka na? Your life story really touched my heart. This is not the first time that I read your blog but just the same every time I read it, I feel sad for what happened to your marriage with George. But I admire you, Pedra, for being able to survive despite of everything. I, myself, is a single mom but it was my choice and my life had been better off without the father of my son. Like you I am a sole provider, the only difference maybe is that I got a stable job. But I learn from my experience, being alone does not mean that we can not be happy. It is a lot lonely if you are around with the wrong person. Just consider yourself lucky - you are so blessed with such an adorable son, Pedra. There is something about your picture that makes me smile - I can feel the love that you have for you son. Make him your inspiration and believe in the Divine Creator's master plan for us.

I do not wish that you'd find a foreign husband - that is too shallow, and just like what they said, not all foreigners are good, but I may like to add, too, that not all Filipinos or any nationalities are bad too. I rather wish that you will be able to find a man, whatever nationality he is, someone who will love you and treat you the way you deserved to be treated and be loved.

P.S. I was in Cebu last week of April 2012 and have future plans to take a vacation there again with some officemates...searching for Badian in the map now -

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