Women Who End Up As Slaves, Sex Objects

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Mr Lee

The dangers some OFW face, so why do they go to those countries where they are little more than dirt? and please do not say the money because you could not pay me enough money to be treated like a piece of meat, and I would rather starve. So why do I post a story such as this, so we can try to understand why life with some older, fatter, maybe even ugly foreigner might be the less dangerous of many choice for some, while for others it can end up true love and total happiness. How can we blame anyone for seeking a better life. A Filipino maid in Saudi Arabia ran away from the household where she was employed after she was raped by her employer, a policeman. Another Filipino woman, who had earlier complained of dizziness, was brought by her employer to the police station for refusing to work. Policemen at the station took turns in raping her.Link to this story

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Call me bubba

i had read a story a few days ago, now i cant locate it,,4 women were working in Libya in the household of one of the "nephews" of the former leader, they had not been paid for months. 2 of them had left as the situation near them was "terrible". the other 2 stayed behind in hopes of being paid..Even after the employer had not paid them in months, he has left the house due to his relation to his "uncle". Feel sorry for these 2 women, curious of why they stayed behind when the situation around them was very chaotic.

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