My True Definition Of Wealth

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thanks for the input thomas ,if she was a scammer she,s a dam good actress lol. I have never been scammed and I scrutinised her life through family members .I have never really doubted her from the start ,but as you state it does happen I feel sorry for all those victims of scams i,ve been lucky in my choice of lady and I could,nt be happier.when I was younger I admit I was materialistic what young person aint these days ,we all want nice cars a nice house to live in and lots of the latest gadets ,but as you get older you realise that the material things you crave for are less important than having a happy and loving family g f went through real bad times where the family did,nt have money to buy food and the most parts of her life survived on a single meal a day .As a westerner we cannot imagine that sort of senario and would,nt like to have gone through that sort of hardship.

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my g f went through real bad times where the family did,nt have money to buy food and the most parts of her life survived on a single meal a day .As a westerner we cannot imagine that sort of senario and would,nt like to have gone through that sort of hardship.

Yes, so I have hard to get angry at them, who try to do scams or thefts just for surviving, not to get rich, if they don't do unnecesary big damage.

So I suppose I can get some trouble protecting my things after moving to a house. I mean if they just try to take something, different if they are treatening/violent, then they perhaps better run :)

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