Rich Girl Or Poor Girl

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i am bob
This is something that we will all have different views on... Who I think is a quality person someone else may disagree...!

yes of course no matter what one thinks, there is always someone who may disagree. There are few if any universal truths that apply to all, in all situations and that we can all agree on. But as to particulars, what is it about your woman that made your heart swell as you put it? Just so someone may know what quality to look for when deciding on a filipina, and how to pass judement on a filipina, as to if they are quality, or "garbage" as someone has put it.

Jode, if I had time to write a book, it still wouldn't be enough to explain what it is and why I feel the way I do about my Special Someone... We were strictly the old fashioned "pen pals" for the longest time when we first met. In fact I had no intention of any romantic notions on my part due to her age and she knew that. But many months of just writing back and forth... discussing our ideas on life, our pasts, our dreams for the future and just enjoying each other's company... I had nothing to prove to her and she had nothing to prove to me... We grew into our relationship without trying to... And she has never given me any reason to regret our change of heart!

As for passing judgement on another person? I simply bide my time and rely on them to expose themselves to be the petty and inadequate person they are...

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Quality is very subjective . Alot of paths you can take being from the western world and finding someone from another culture to spend your life with. I doubt many of us on this forum actually fall into the upper 2% of western economics. Make your own choice , or dont and move to Patters :dance:

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i am bob
This is something that we will all have different views on... Who I think is a quality person someone else may disagree...!

yes of course no matter what one thinks, there is always someone who may disagree. There are few if any universal truths that apply to all, in all situations and that we can all agree on. But as to particulars, what is it about your woman that made your heart swell as you put it? Just so someone may know what quality to look for when deciding on a filipina, and how to pass judement on a filipina, as to if they are quality, or "garbage" as someone has put it.

Jode, if I had time to write a book, it still wouldn't be enough to explain what it is and why I feel the way I do about my Special Someone... We were strictly the old fashioned "pen pals" for the longest time when we first met. In fact I had no intention of any romantic notions on my part due to her age and she knew that. But many months of just writing back and forth... discussing our ideas on life, our pasts, our dreams for the future and just enjoying each other's company... I had nothing to prove to her and she had nothing to prove to me... We grew into our relationship without trying to... And she has never given me any reason to regret our change of heart!

As for passing judgement on another person? I simply bide my time and rely on them to expose themselves to be the petty and inadequate person they are or aren't...

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Posted (edited)

If there is a huge age gap of say 30 plus years. You are in love with her but for sure she is in love with your money. Rationalize it any way you like but if you honestly think that your beer gut, smoking, drinking or decaying body smell are an attraction then I have some more LSD you can take. But that does not undermine the fact you can still be happy together as a couple. She will be loyal to you, take care of you but if the money runs out then don't hold you breadth. Most Filipinas will jump on the first foreign guy they have contact with as they can't afford to lose that opportunity. Some get lucky and find guys that may have money or treat them really good but many, many others are with losers. I see it everyday here in Dumaguete. My GF talks to various girls on an almost daily basis (restaurants, waiting in lines, etc) and the conversation inviably take the direction of money, money and money. How much he gives, your family, what about leaving the country, on and on. Dream on if you think it any other way. Of course if a baby enters the picture then things change. Hey just my observation after many years coming and living here.

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Steve & Myrlita

Bob, you forgot to reply. Time to hit the Edit button. :bash:

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I apologize if my observations offend or hit a raw nerve. Let me clarify the age spread thing and I only base this on tangible observations and discussions. As a rule the younger the girl the more likely it is a money attraction. As they get older, the money angle seems to diminish and the love/companion interest becomes more of a priority. I have found/seen the best relationships and the ones that sustain the longest are with women in their late 30's to 50's.

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Posted (edited)

I apologize if my observations offend or hit a raw nerve. Let me clarify the age spread thing and I only base this on tangible observations and discussions. As a rule the younger the girl the more likely it is a money attraction. As they get older, the money angle seems to diminish and the love/companion interest becomes more of a priority. I have found/seen the best relationships and the ones that sustain the longest are with women in their late 30's to 50's.


Well i could do a Bob and reply like he does that not all in all situations are the same ect. but I will skip that because i think it goes without saying that there are always exceptions to the rule. All i can do is relate my experience and let the reader be the judge.

I am 4 decades older than my partner and close to that or more with all girls I have been with in Philippines (40 or so only a couple pro's in the traditional sense). I am pot bellied and have what i think may be the ugliest legs in the world, do to horrible injuries from a land mine, and walk with a limp. Obviously not someone physically attractive by most measures although many woman seem to like that I am tall and strong still.

I had one girl leave me because she used to chase me around the bed so much and crowd me so continually that I occaisionally would wake up on the edge of bed with a falling and sufforcating nightmare and my thrashing one time from that, scared her so much, she went back to auntie. I had tried getting up in the middle of the night and switching sides in bed but within minutes she had crowded me into the edge of bed and no pushing her away and protests could keep her off me so i had room to sleep comfortably.

My live in partner of over a year was almost as bad, but has adjusted to me in that way, as she has in many other ways. Still i can't sneak away even for a peaceful nap ever, without her smiling and jumping in bed with me. I don't say this to brag, but because i think there is more to girls physical attraction than just the physical checklist of attractiveness that younger guys might want to believe. I know younger guys hate to think of these girls with old guys like me, and think it must be all money, but there is something else they don't understand about what attracts them.

No doubt most of girls i have been with the main attraction was the money, I slipped to them as we left. But what keeps them always there for me and willing to accept less or nothing is that they know i truly adore them. I am crazy for these slim brown young women and show them in many ways and make them feel so good about themselves.

They leave feeling beautiful and knowing they are loved and that is more important than being banged by a better looking guy who they feel doesn't care for them. All or at least most have had that, and then turn to an older guy who is sweeter and more loving to them. Who cares about their enjoyment as much or more than his own, and who gets his greatest pleasure from their pleasure.

All these women and women all over the world read these corny romance novels that are all the same. About a mysterious man who they meet who ravishes them in wanton lust, and they dream of it happening to them. When they meet me it happens, and many seem by all indications to enjoy it alot. I have at least four or five girls every day, asking to be with them that day, and even after a dozen terse rejections in a row they keep trying. I am not rich and live well within a modest budget, so its not like i am throwing big money at them. Way way less than pros get here.

Money or hope for money may be what gets your foot in the door, for someone like me. But it takes more than that for the door to stay wide open for you after that.

Guys here seem to talk of girls giving it up for them as if the girls are agreeing to be tortured, but they seem to enjoy themselves just fine. Filipinas are a very lusty breed. A guy doesn't have to be young and handsome to bring that out in them. Despite what younger guys would like to believe. Romance and someone who they feel really adores them is what turns them on more than physical attractiveness I believe. Not for all of course but for very many.

Of course respect and impecable hygiene come first. Beery drunken louts who in their state can't get it up anyway, need not bother trying for what i am talking about. What I am talking about is falling into carnal lust in a way that is hard to break free from. However for me, seeing the deep hurt, and tears, from my love, on finding out about an indiscretion of mine, brought on a deep sense of shame in me, that i hadn't felt in many many years. I had an epiphany, and knew I had to reform. That and my fear of losing her. But its not an easy thing to do, and highly moral guys better not sit too tall, on their high horse, till you have dealt with the temptation here.

Another thing the previous poster states is that the best relationships are with older women. A reason for that is that older women who may have children, and by their situation, may have had previous failed attempts at love, and as older, may have lost the bloom of youth that is so enticing in a woman, just try harder. Also they are wiser in what it takes to please a man. Younger women give a sh&t less, because they know there are other options out there for them.

A relationship to be successful, in long term, takes effort and older women are more willing to make the effort. Not because they are intrinsicly a better partner because they are older. You can find the rare younger ones willing to make the same kind of effort and thus be as good a partner.

Yeah but she is easier to talk to, you say. Guys she doesn't give a damn about the NFL, politics, or maybe your ex or whatever. She is just making an effort, and appearing interested is the form it is in.

I know this post will upset many, especially established guys who try not to think of such things. However, if 90% of the reason we even consider the philippines is the women. Then why can't a large part of an expat forum be about that? Granted if done in not too lewd a manner. The book of filipinas is a long and detailed one, with chapters yet unwritten, So lets not be afraid to read and explore and share. At least as much about them as, where to find some widget in cebu or whatever.

I have worried that my interaction with filipinas maybe has harmed some in ways not apparent to me. They seem fine even improved with better self image, but maybe i am missing something. I think loving too much though a sin, is maybe the least of sins. I hope so anyway.

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Jode thanks for that. Great insight from a guy who been there done that. I have heard from a number of my friends the same thing about the girls who can't get enough sex and you have to beg them off. Wondering how much do you attribute that to endowment considerations or from the more gentlemanly approach you take and the respect given to them by us white devils or a combination of both.

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i am bob

Bob, you forgot to reply. Time to hit the Edit button. :bash:

Well, that is pretty neat... My last entry was #21 - I have no idea where #23 came from! I think I was pretty heavy into the Blue Jays / Red Sox game by then...!

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Posted (edited)

Jode thanks for that. Great insight from a guy who been there done that. I have heard from a number of my friends the same thing about the girls who can't get enough sex and you have to beg them off. Wondering how much do you attribute that to endowment considerations or from the more gentlemanly approach you take and the respect given to them by us white devils or a combination of both.

50/50 and in retrospect it is not sex but affection they can't get enough of.

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