Why So Badly Behaved?

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Sometimes i'm completely blow away by the behaviour of children here,

I was paying my electric bill and a couple turned up with a child, who proceeded to roll a tire around banging into peoples legs,

the parents said nothing,

the child rolled the tire into a women with white trousers on who was clearly not amused,

the parents said nothing,

he then took a chess set that was on the table and proceeded to throw the pieces over the fence,

the parents said nothing,

Finally he returned with a kitten carrying it by the head, he put it in the metal rubbish bin and proceeded the bash the bin with a stick much to the amusement of his parents who seemed almost proud of there sons prowess at torture, the cat got away but was soon recapture and put back in the bin for a bit more treatment,

Finally i could control myself no longer and shouted "WAG" at the kid at the top of my voice, the child ran back to his parents who just sat there with a sort of embarrassed grin,

I mean what the f@ck.

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Posted (edited)

Sometimes i'm completely blow away by the behaviour of children here,

I was paying my electric bill and a couple turned up with a child, who proceeded to roll a tire around banging into peoples legs,

the parents said nothing,

the child rolled the tire into a women with white trousers on who was clearly not amused,

the parents said nothing,

he then took a chess set that was on the table and proceeded to throw the pieces over the fence,

the parents said nothing,

Finally he returned with a kitten carrying it by the head, he put it in the metal rubbish bin and proceeded the bash the bin with a stick much to the amusement of his parents who seemed almost proud of there sons prowess at torture, the cat got away but was soon recapture and put back in the bin for a bit more treatment,

Finally i could control myself no longer and shouted "WAG" at the kid at the top of my voice, the child ran back to his parents who just sat there with a sort of embarrassed grin,

I mean what the f@ck.

Hello Shiredevon,

I lived in Puerto Galara, Mindoro a long time ago. It may have a popular tourist spot, but I also have

seen many incidence of locals living remote areas behaving somewhat strange. Naturally it would be

strange for us but unfortunately, the other locals don't even blink an eye to unruly children. Or they

are afraid to complain about it.

Just to balance this out -- recently there was an incident regarding a man actually chewing another

man's face off. This happened in Florida a few weeks back.

But, I salute you sir. I would go shout immediately towards the parents to WAG!

Respectfully -- Jake

Edited by Jake
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Just to balance this out -- recently there was an incident regarding a man actually chewing another man's face off. This happened in Florida a few weeks back.

Jake, why is this unusual? It is normal zombie behavior! :hystery:

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Wag if i'm not mistaken is tagalog for keep quiet, for sure it's not the kids fault, it's just strange and different values, but very difficult for the westerner to comprehend, especially hard for me as my children are very well behaved and just as happy, stems from my mother being a strict disciplinarian i guess, the cycle continues hehe.

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Wag if i'm not mistaken is tagalog for keep quiet, for sure it's not the kids fault, it's just strange and different values, but very difficult for the westerner to comprehend, especially hard for me as my children are very well behaved and just as happy, stems from my mother being a strict disciplinarian i guess, the cycle continues hehe.

In essence, you are correct Shiredevon. It's a shorter version of HU-WAG, meaning don't do it. But to put more

emphasis on your warning, I would preface it with HOY! Of course, I could probably get away with it. I would be

just another Pinoy disciplining punk ass kids.

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Thanks for the info Jake, next time they'll get a "hoy" first, i'm still struggling with Tagalog, and i've been here 5 years, my son however has been here a year and is virtually fluent, (the smartass git hehe)

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Call me bubba
Children in the Philippines are not taught any discipline and therefore adults do not have any discipline either. You can see it in how they drive, can't wait in line, out of control children and many other things. No discipline is a whole subject in itself.

Such a TRUE statement. at least we can instill discipline in our children

So that others will notice that WE have maturity (not unlike others)

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It's not the child's fault but he certainly will be viewed as such when he grows up and is just a total wanker. Parental cruelty I call it and a total disregard for standard parenting practices over the world, to keep their children within bahaviours that do not bother other folks unnecessarily or cause loss and/or damage to property, not their own.

A child will do anything he/she wants to do, and if mum or dad doesn't say anything about it at the time, well, it must be ok hey!

So, in the case given in the OP, I would assign the blame squarely on mum and dad as in reality, they are the ones causing all the unruly and uncontrolled behaviour... No good traumatising the child; if you're going to yell at someone, yell at the parents, in this case, as they're the ones who need discipline first.

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