Frustration With Geography

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I'm not so sure it's the map thing that gets most people but rather knowing just where they are and what to expect! An example? Before the days of the 75 cent Canadian dollar, people from Buffalo, New York rarely came to Canada. It was just a bridge across the river! But they did not come! Ok, a few did... In August with skis on top of the car hoping to get a few runs in before lunch! Silly people didn't know that the other side of Buffalo gets twice the snow we get in NIagara Falls - when it's cold out! But that is just one example of people not knowing what the geographical area is. Look at the bigger scale! If you say American, you are referring to citizens of the United States, are you not? Isn't Canada in America? Hmmmm.... And what about Mexico? That's just North America... We still have South America and Central America to go yet! But I will admit... The biggest mistake on geographical area is by China while trying to claim Scarborough Shoals (along with other areas) as part of China. Somebody get them a real map, will you please?

Just so nobody thinks I'm picking on them, I got lost in my hometown on Saturday... It's such a big city... about 100k people or so... 3 minutes worth on the highway and you are past it! I need to look at the map again!


Bob, yoiu are correct about Canada, Mexico and many other countries being in North, Central and South America. Each country's citizens or residents were named according to their Country. Canada being Canadians, Mexico being Mexicans, Brazil being Brazilians, etc. The United States of America chose to call its people Americans. We could call ourselves The United States of Americans, but why use such a long name when a shorter one works just as well?

I agree with you concerning China. The current Chinese government is claiming ownership to Islands, waters and even nations which are far from their shores. I don't understand why the entire world doesn't stand up and tell them they are wrong. By international law China can only claim Islands which are within 200 nautical miles of its shores. And, the ownership of Islands which are about half way between countries, for example Japan and South Korea should have been settled after a major event like WWII.

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During WWII the American officials got the idea to ask geograthic question about USA to catch foreign spies. They caught no spies, but a lot of Americans

I got an idea - Think if they had thought OPPOSITE and expected them to be spies, who answered CORECT, then they perhaps would have caught some :hystery:

(I did see some historic programs about them who REALY were stationed as (smaller) spies in North America during WWII. They had no problem blending in. One of the Germans send there to spy even avoided the Germans during the war, because he didn't want to help the nazis. He started living fully as a normal citizen and went on doing so some time after the war ended, without anyone found out :)

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Tom in Texas
OMG Tom, you're still alive? Welcome back my friend!

Hey Jake. Good to be back. Had a few major distractions (moving, Mom and sister health problems, etc) for a while, but hopefully back on track now.

Really good to be back in touch with you.

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For miles around in metro Manila, you have a lot of billboards which is very confusing. And tried to find a place from a billboard is ridiculous

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