Immigration Overstay

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Touchy subject matter so i will speak in generalities . What i thought would be a simple matter of asking turns out not so simple after all . Issue has to do with overstaying as an expat .

Joe sixpack has overstayed and wishes to know the approximate amount of his fees and fines total in order to be legal . Call to local immigration gets nowhere . Joe sixpack has to make personal appearence . Joe sixpack is scared he will be arrested on the spot ( doubtfull ) or at least somehow instegiate an investigation because he is asked to present his passport (possibile ?) . Since immigration wants to see offenders passport Joe six packs buddy can not inquire on his behalf . So , if Joe Sixpack is under severe economic constraints and needs to know how much he would need to remain (or leave) how does he get that information ?

Am only asking the question here because experience has taught that some may know and also because Immigration in one location can be a very different experience than in another location . Just wondering if anyone had ever known someone that went through the process in Cebu as the grapevine says the man in charge there ( Domingo ? ) was fair and honest person to deal with . Don't find on - line Immigration site info easy to sift through but assuming there is a basic formula . But , does the formula change when exceeding first year of overstay ? In other words , does the penalty increase proportionaly as years are added ?

Joe Sixpack is an American . Unfortunately Embassy also requires Joe Sixpack to make personal appearence adding to expense since Joe is not on Luzon . Have known one American that went through the Embassy as voluntary deportation . Was my understandng that Embassy initated filing with Philippine Immigration but that Joe still had to deal with Immigration . Only benefit to Joe was that he would not be jailed while waiting for papers to process . Whch took over a year adding to financial burden . Lost touch with the Joe so don't know any other details . except , that depite deportation that Joe was back in the country legally within 2 years . Don't know how or want to know but makes you wonder .

Any suggestions appreciated .

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