Please! Explain This Situation To Me:

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Below is a short article off The Freeman. I fail to see why the police are involved at all and there is a mention of a 'case' to be filed. Why?


As I read it, there is a bus driver and his live in partner, not married. The live in partner gets caught with a 'lover' and a fight, attempted stabbing and foot chase ending with the 3rd party being handed over to the police and then later the bus driver turning himself in to the police? Basic B movie comedy and drama.  


All 3 are adults. None married. No actual stabbing. Why are 2 people in jail and 'what case' can be filed against the live in lover by the bus driver?




Bus driver catches live-in partner, her “lover” in bed


By Brenda D. Batuto (The Freeman) | Updated February 24, 2013 - 12:00am

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CEBU, Philippines - A 30-year-old school bus driver, with the help of bystanders, chased and caught the alleged lover of his live-in partner yesterday dawn in Talisay City after catching them in bed naked.

The alleged lover, 23, is now detained at the Talisay City detention cell.

The driver also turned over his live-in partner, 26, to the police.

They have two children aged 7 and 8, Inspector Margienett Yosores of Talisay City Police Station, Women and Children Protection Desk chief, said.

Last Friday, after quarrelling with each other, the man left the house but around midnight became restless and had a sneaking suspicion his live-in partner wasn’t alone at home.

He went back to the house and found them in bed.

Yosores said the aggrieved man threw everything at his live-in partner’s lover, and when he found a knife, he made an attempt to stab him but his live-in partner held on to his arm.

This gave the alleged lover the chance to run out of the house.

But bystanders responded to the driver’s appeal for help.

According to Yosores, the driver plans to file a case against his live-in partner and her alleged lover on Monday. (FREEMAN)

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nor cal mike


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Who?  Me or them? :hystery:  :nudie:

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I fail to see why the police are involved at all and there is a mention of a 'case' to be filed. Why?

The police are involved because there was a disturbance and attempted assault. It said the man is detained at the Talisay jail, not charged. There's mention of a "case" because the bus driver said he plans to file a case, doesn't mean he has any cause; anyone can file, or try to. On what basis he "turned over his live-in partner, 26, to the police" isn't clear. No doubt there's missing information.

They fight, yell, threaten each other; police separate the combatants for the general good and next day everyone goes home; forgotten until the next time.

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nor cal mike

Who? Me or them?


Them of course my friend. A sophisticated threesome could have found a more civil and loving way to have solved the problem.

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Who? Me or them?


Them of course my friend. A sophisticated threesome could have found a more civil and loving way to have solved the problem.



No no no.... your expected reply should have been ....................... BOTH! :dance: LOL     


But with respect to your thinly veiled reference to a menage a trois.... ehhhhh, well as I read the article I assumed a male bus driver, female girl friend, and then her male lover who was caught in bed with her. In doing the math there, that is 1 too many Richards for my comfort level... So I would have to pass on that 'opportunity! :tiphat:


If the math added up into a different total, then well, lets see what come UP! :nudie:

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nor cal mike

If the math added up into a different total, then well, lets see what come UP!


My sentiment as well Bruce as I am not sophisticated to that extent.

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nor cal mike

By The Way, where's Jake when we need him?

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By The Way, where's Jake when we need him?


I actually thought about including a line or two about those retired navy guys....But I thought that was a cheap shot... everyone knows that don't care how it ADDS up, as long as they are in the middle.... :1927_:  :as-if:

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Squeeze Me, did someone say that there is a Menage a Trois for sale ? As  I'm possibly thinking of getting a Bird for the house, and normally you have to get your own cage, don't you ?? Teh, he >>>  Well it is Monday after all, I know, soppy as a wet flannel. :dance:  

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