Interesting Perspective On Philippines Lack Of Development

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Muslims, Spaniards, Chinese and who ever follows....Filipinos of today are taught to be proud for being an OFW industrious and bringing back all his efforts to build a house, buy a condo and pancit kantot while watching wawawee with the family. That is the dream of happiness they have implant in the minds of most Filipinos. On the same side the upper rich class are taught exactly the opposite, that every one outside of their cast do not deserve not even a second chance neither worth anything more than a few mere pesos for their work. (the ones of you who had the puking experience socializing with the really rich Filipinos do know what I am talking about).

Given this social structure what development do you expect to happen? Only whatever will make the rich even richer and the poor to keep struggling survival. This country literally belongs to a few hundreds people with all the land and wealth under their names. They run the mass media, the government, everything. and they are clever!!!!

I live at Manila, last 10 years more and more luxurious establishments open, if the owner is not a huge firm they are doomed, see them opening closing all the times. More and more condominium buildings are rising, the profit from each tower as such is huge even if it takes them forever to sell all the units. I still see the same towers which were selling 10 years ago still selling and wonder how comes they did not sell all their units by now, there is more offer than demand but still the profits are huge.

New roads are build but mind you, not for the development of the country but for the development of the areas belonging to the few fortunate, (example is SCTEX, while the new manila to infanta road left unfinished for ever)

There is progress on industry, even colonized all the land around the industrial areas for the workers to live there, on prices which do not allow anything left from their income.

I can go almost endless on examples as such, justifying my thoughts that the progress is due to the development of the rich and only, if anything left then is given to the people and they consider it a huge help from the rich of a "covered basketball court"!!!!

For us the kanos (non sex-pats) if we plan to invest, there are opportunities depending where we invest. Pawnshops, moneychangers, low cost housing projects, and other opportunities many of you might know or experience. Why the Filipino middle class cannot make it there? because his dream is to go abroad, his mentality is that if he has a business he is not the one working there but workers, money he gets from the business are carefully wasted to a condo and an expensive SUV accompanied with wasted outings to extremely expensive and ridiculous service-quality establishments (restos, bars etc).

And now we blame the their history for their misfortune!!! No it is not their history, it is the people who cannot think out of the box they have been placed in.

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i am bob

You know Joe?  I read your post twice...   Funny thing is I am starting to see the same thing here in Canada more and more...   The whole world is going insane I think...


Dealing with your post and the Philippines alone, I agree.  There is a very slight tip of the iceburg working it's way through government with what the present President is doing but it is such a long way beyond the scope of today to where this will be changed that many won't want to wait or work towards this goal.  It isn't something that can be corrected overnight.  And many politicians won't want things to change as they come from the families you have mentioned.  All we can do (as Kanos) is sit back and wait and do the same as most people in the country are going to do - hope that those elected will truly make tomorrow better.


Good post sir!


And now I am going to sit back down as we are getting a little borderline on stepping over the "political no-go line".

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Muslims, Spaniards, Chinese and who ever follows....Filipinos of today are taught to be proud for being an OFW industrious and bringing back all his efforts to build a house, buy a condo and pancit kantot while watching wawawee with the family. That is the dream of happiness they have implant in the minds of most Filipinos. On the same side the upper rich class are taught exactly the opposite, that every one outside of their cast do not deserve not even a second chance neither worth anything more than a few mere pesos for their work. (the ones of you who had the puking experience socializing with the really rich Filipinos do know what I am talking about).

Given this social structure what development do you expect to happen? Only whatever will make the rich even richer and the poor to keep struggling survival. This country literally belongs to a few hundreds people with all the land and wealth under their names. They run the mass media, the government, everything. and they are clever!!!!

I live at Manila, last 10 years more and more luxurious establishments open, if the owner is not a huge firm they are doomed, see them opening closing all the times. More and more condominium buildings are rising, the profit from each tower as such is huge even if it takes them forever to sell all the units. I still see the same towers which were selling 10 years ago still selling and wonder how comes they did not sell all their units by now, there is more offer than demand but still the profits are huge.

New roads are build but mind you, not for the development of the country but for the development of the areas belonging to the few fortunate, (example is SCTEX, while the new manila to infanta road left unfinished for ever)

There is progress on industry, even colonized all the land around the industrial areas for the workers to live there, on prices which do not allow anything left from their income.

I can go almost endless on examples as such, justifying my thoughts that the progress is due to the development of the rich and only, if anything left then is given to the people and they consider it a huge help from the rich of a "covered basketball court"!!!!

For us the kanos (non sex-pats) if we plan to invest, there are opportunities depending where we invest. Pawnshops, moneychangers, low cost housing projects, and other opportunities many of you might know or experience. Why the Filipino middle class cannot make it there? because his dream is to go abroad, his mentality is that if he has a business he is not the one working there but workers, money he gets from the business are carefully wasted to a condo and an expensive SUV accompanied with wasted outings to extremely expensive and ridiculous service-quality establishments (restos, bars etc).

And now we blame the their history for their misfortune!!! No it is not their history, it is the people who cannot think out of the box they have been placed in.

Triple like Joe!

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Mike S

And the funny part to all this ..... if there is a funny part .... is that these mega millionaires are not even pure Filipinos ..... just about all of them are of Chinese or other national descent .....  hows that for irony ...... :cheersty:

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