Our Children's Health

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Posted (edited)
Standard large belly, a lot shorter than the expected height for a child her age and a slow intellect / interaction with others. All because he squatter parents spend their money on drinking and gambling instead of MEAT and VEGETABLES.

I agree with whole what you wrote in THAT post, except the problem can be solved without meat too, even if it's some more complicated to get complete nutricion as a vegetarian.

(The kids of one of my sisters grew up as vegetarians, the younger is more clever than average, the older have got study genes from his father  :mocking:  but has grown up to be a skilled lorry mechanic.)

A fabulous food that grows everywhere in the Philippines is the Moringay tree or Malunggay in the Phils, Its leaves are full of goodness and strangely enough if dried they increase their goodness, some people cook them but that kills a lot of the goodness. Steep them in cold or warm water to make a healthy tea. A shame that noone teaches the poor about it.

Yes, they are very good as nutricion.

Actualy it's both a Taiwanese and a Pinoy organisation trying to spread this knowledge specialy to poor people, so they stop wasting money on Vitamin pills, when there are better solution growing in most gardens. (I have forgot the names of the organisations.)



S E R I O U S L Y... think long and hard before to buy or invest in any alternative medical products or medicines. Almost all have the same theme of it being an open secret, or the drug companies try to hide it because they can not make any money off it or it is always someone on the internet or a friend of a friend's cousin's college room mate's brother-in-law who was cured.

Well. It's true there are many sharlatans in this business,

and some not sharlatans can tell the effect is biger than it is,

BUT many working in the "kano medecin" including hospitals are to much in the other direction, forgeting a lot of the "kano medecin" comes from plants originaly  :)   and then the "kano medecin" companies make a syntetic version of it in many cases...

(There are geographical differences. E g according to a research I saw some years ago Swedish doctors in average are terrible at seing better alternatives, not even include the whole person in treatments, seing people as mashines where parts can be just replaced, while Danish and German doctors are some better.)


Btw - I did read in a science paper "Kano medecin" scientists had found a cancer cure - in mother's milk. I suppose that's counted to natural meds  :)



The benefits of the malunggay plant are well known to all levels of Philippine society.


Then why on earth is it not used by the very poor?

Well. The most poor squatters living in big cities I suppose have problem to get access to Malunggay trees,

while many of the poor living more rural often have an own such plant if they have some space to put it at. (E g I know one family, who live in the edge of a small city have one own outside their "hen house" as they call the house they live in themselves.) But I believe most of them damage some of the nutricion by cooking.


not walking around w/no shoes or slippers. the ground is covered w/such XXXX

And not walk inside home with outdoor shoes as many Americans do  :)  in opposite to many other cultures.



Btw - Concerning accidents. Is it hard to find safety locks to buy in RP to keep small kids away from chemical storages and knives?

Edited by Thomas
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Then why on earth is it not used by the very poor?

We have a lot of this malunggay plant on the property we rent and our helper is always taking it home; she says her family and friends have always used it, it cures everything (so she says). Our landlord also. So my impression is that it's widely used but my sample is small so I may be mistaken.    

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I agree with whole what you wrote in THAT post, except the problem can be solved without meat too, even if it's some more complicated to get complete nutricion as a vegetarian.


Thomas... we all see the world through our own eyes. But we need to get you some new glasses. You write at a much higher level than the poor in the Philippines can even grasp. What is common sense to you at your level of education and problem solving skills is like expecting a 1st grader to understand college math.  


Food groups and alternatives might as well be chemistry because they not only are unable to understand, but also lack the attention span needed to even read past line 4. IF they can read at all.  


If you want to help the poor kids, then it is up to YOU. If it is free, the poor will take it IF you do not require anything from them. Just because it makes sense to you and me and most all others with an education, does not mean that the poor are even interested in listening to anything that may help them.  


Example... at YOUR expense, YOU can provide vitamins for the kids. They will take them until the supply runs out. If you can provide a 5 year supply, per child and start those vitamins on the mother 1 year before she becomes pregnant and continue on up to that 5th year for the child, YOU will have done something to help that child (children in the program). But once the supply if gone, then there will be no effort to get more vitamins. While you cause a small blip in their lives, there is no understanding or effort to continue it. They took it because it was FREE to them.


So you need to start to realize that you have the problem and not them and 'dumb down' your ideas to meet the level or and then the needs of the poor. And then DO IT. All the talk and plans and ideas do not mean anything unless they are carried out.

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So you need to start to realize that you have the problem and not them and 'dumb down' your ideas to meet the level or and then the needs of the poor. And then DO IT. All the talk and plans and ideas do not mean anything unless they are carried out.
Well. I expect to get problem concerning make workers work as I want in my business,

but concerning aid things it's their problem. I can't do the job for them, I can only tell them how food and Help-to-self-help projects can be solved better, then they can follow it if they want to  :)  

I'm used to teach both grown ups and kids, so I believe that will be no big problem. I will NOT just tell them, it will be a dialog trying to find a good COMBINATION of Filipin thinking and pic parts from foreign thinking, because otherwice it will surely fail.

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I keep reading farm blogs that you should plant guyabano (soursop) because it is 10,000 times more powerful than chemo for cancer treatment. Has there been any actual research on this? What is the protocol? Eat it raw? Blend it as a juice with 10 teaspoons of sugar and drink? Or take it in pill form prepared by a home kitchen manufacturer? The reason for asking is guyabano is mentioned as cure all for what ails children in the Philippines.


From what my wife has read, guyabano tea would perhaps be the easiest way to derive the plant's benefits.  For those in the Philippines that have plants, they can dry the leaves themselves.  Last year, the tea was not easy to find.  We did find a stall in Greenhills that sells it, so we stocked up.  This year, we found the powdered form in Kultura at MOA, but after we had already made the trip to Greenhills.


Here in Toronto, we buy the frozen pulp. 

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Medic Mike

I don't have any of my own kids over here yet, however when I am in country on my R&R, I must treat at least 6 to 7 kids a week from the neighborhood vitims of minor trauma, bike accidents, slight car vs push bike, and the local kids just being kids doing dumb stuff. Not to mention, new nervous parents waking me up during cold/flu season with their children having febrile convulsions during the night. I am pretty lucky, that my employer supplys me with expired drugs/supplies. (the expired stock is all just expired by a few weeks, so the material is still fine for anyone to use, but in Western countries once it is expired that is it, in the rubish it goes :))

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I don't have any of my own kids over here yet, however when I am in country on my R&R, I must treat at least 6 to 7 kids a week from the neighborhood vitims of minor trauma, bike accidents, slight car vs push bike, and the local kids just being kids doing dumb stuff. Not to mention, new nervous parents waking me up during cold/flu season with their children having febrile convulsions during the night. I am pretty lucky, that my employer supplys me with expired drugs/supplies. (the expired stock is all just expired by a few weeks, so the material is still fine for anyone to use, but in Western countries once it is expired that is it, in the rubish it goes :))

 US Military did a study that shows properly stored medications, including tetracycline, hold 85% + potency after 15 years. Private studies show similar after 30 years in the patient's medicine cabinet.


In the US the drug manufacturers fight tooth and nail to prevent the FDA from increasing the expiry dates to a more realistic time frames of at least 5 years or more as they stand to loose millions in new replacement sales. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
Call me bubba
Posted (edited)

here is a site that lists what vaccinations are "required" or needed for our children


  for infants          http://www.vaccineinformation.org/infants-children/schedules.asp


for preteens             http://www.vaccineinformation.org/preteens/schedules.asp


for teens (13-18)           http://www.vaccineinformation.org/teens/schedules.asp









Edited by Pittman apartments Sgn
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Well. Sure vaccinations are needed,

BUT that website seem to be made by medical companies. I doubt it's necesary to vaccinate against an illness as the yearly influenza, if not being in a big risk group, which can be extra ill by e g having weak imune system allready. Even several doctors talk against it. In Sweden one such vaccination perhaps even made more damage than good, because several of the kids got a LIFE TIME type of insomnia illness BY THE VACCINATION... 

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i am bob

Hey Ed! Can you give us a quick list of the vaccinations recommended for adults as well?

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