Fusilier Rigby Attackers Assaulted In Prison

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Hope they get a pay rise  :thumbsup:

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Well since it was done, in defense (defence for the Queen's subjects?) by the officers it narrows the options. They shan't be getting any pay raises.


In the US, if such an act was done by a fellow inmate, and if that inmate is identified, then well wishers may, at their discretion, access the online webpage of that state's prison system or the federal prison page if in federal custody and follow the instructions under 'How to send money to an inmate.'


But since this was done by 'officer or officers unknown', there are issues in sending birthday cards to the officers.

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I don't care if he's black or white or green from Mars, what he did (and without remorse) is the epitome

of pure evil.  He should be taken out of the gene pool.....one nut at a time.  I would assume there are

some formal British military personnel behind bars at HMP Belmarsh that would love to be his cell mate.


Love them Brits......respectfully -- Jake

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I don't care if he's black or white or green from Mars, what he did (and without remorse) is the epitome

of pure evil.  He should be taken out of the gene pool.....one nut at a time.  I would assume there are

some formal British military personnel behind bars at HMP Belmarsh that would love to be his cell mate.


Love them Brits......respectfully -- Jake


You can be sure Jake that not only will there be ex Military amongst the prison population, but also a large number of the prison guards will be ex military, personally I Feel its all an elaborate prison break, that clown is trying to escape one tooth at a time,


Never thought about that.....many of the prison guards are giving him the proper British welcome.  

And I like that!  Eventually, he will become toothless, which is all the better for him.  That way, he

will be the queen bitch with a smooth deep throat, sucking the chrome off a trailer hitch with no bite

marks......he, he.


May he rot in living hell -- Jake 

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Mike S

Come on you guys why are you picking on this poor chap .... haven't we been told over and over that he is from a passive religion that always turns the other cheek and embraces the christian way of life .... they even have a nice catchy name for us ..... infidels .... that being said and as we know the two fine upstanding young men being the pillars of their community and the salt of the earth it was all just a miss understanding .... they were merely being used as scapegoats by us infidels ..... how dare we even think they would harm another human-being .....  (my teleprompter told me all this by the way :mocking: )


Conclusion I feel the only right thing to do is to sow them up in the belly of a pig and then soak them in a vat of alcohol while attending a totally nude all women review featuring the beautiful and vivacious Hillary Clinton ..... or maybe just cut their pecker off and shove it up where the sun never shines and nail it shut so that when they go to meet their hero and receive their 72 virgins they will already have a head start on all the fun ..... JMHO ..... :nudie: 


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Come on you guys why are you picking on this poor chap .... haven't we been told over and over that he is from a passive religion that always turns the other cheek and embraces the christian way of life .... they even have a nice catchy name for us ..... infidels .... that being said and as we know the two fine upstanding young men being the pillars of their community and the salt of the earth it was all just a miss understanding .... they were merely being used as scapegoats by us infidels ..... how dare we even think they would harm another human-being .....  (my teleprompter told me all this by the way :mocking: )


Conclusion I feel the only right thing to do is to sow them up in the belly of a pig and then soak them in a vat of alcohol while attending a totally nude all women review featuring the beautiful and vivacious Hillary Clinton ..... or maybe just cut their pecker off and shove it up where the sun never shines and nail it shut so that when they go to meet their hero and receive their 72 virgins they will already have a head start on all the fun ..... JMHO ..... :nudie:


I'm sorry Mike but I thought I gave you a heads up already.  You see, I cheated and got a head start.

There are now 68.5 virgin donkeys remaining.....he, he.  


Proud to be an infidel -- Jake

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  • 6 months later...
Posted (edited)
British Muslim who knew one of Lee Rigby's killers admits posting YouTube videos glorifying the murder
Royal Barnes uploaded YouTube clips that hailed attack as 'brillliant day'; he also admitted inciting murder during Old Bailey hearing








Ok this information isnt directly linked to the title of this thread, however the link does make mention of the court appearance later this month of the two Murderers, the links mane theme is about a husband and wife who posted supporting home made videos of Fus Rigby's murder............



[ sorry for the edits, renting in a netcafe in Manila, keyboard has letters missing and I'm no typist lol]


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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Sorry if this isnt exactly in the right thread, but I'm in the UK and connecting to the net using a dongle with a max speed of 7.3mb, so opening any pages takes ages, so I'll post this information regarding the verdict of Fusilier Lee Rigby murderers here, please feel free moderaters to move this.





Edited by johnb
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