What Do You Do To Save Money?

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i am bob

Hey all!  I guess that most of us, if not all of us, have by now read all the different posts regarding if someone can live on $800 a month...  $1200 a month...  and so on.  And without starting any more arguments or adding any more confusion by saying that I live on $7.38 a month, I have a new question for everybody.  


What do you do each month to help stretch your Peso?


We all have tricks and tips for our home countries but what do we do in the Philippines?  Is there a special product that you buy?  A special store that gives 20% off to people who shave their heads?  Something different you use to clean your house with...  Like maybe Coconut Oil?  You only run your aircon after 2 am because of discounts to your power bill?  You have your own pet goat to get rid of (eat) your trash for free?  C'mon!  Just what is it you all do to save money?


I really want to know - but please!  No tips or tricks that will land someone in jail or deported, ok?  





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I forgot one saving section - Making/growing things yourself.

I think mainly of things, which you want fresh often (save shoping travels) or things hard to find. Extra interesting is producing things, which you miss from your home country, but are rare in RP, so they are expensive (or hard/impossible to find).

I don't mean any hard work - for such we can hire Pinoys cheap  :)  - but things which

almost handle itself,

or perhaps take some time to make, but can be done much at the same time and can be stored long time, so the work for each isn't much.


E g

plant some seeds/plants (can be in a pot too if you don't have land) and add some water isn't so hard   :dance: 

If you miss a special cheese, you can perhaps manage to do an OK one yourself.

I don't know if I will bother to try to make good cheese, but if I can get milk (not dried) I expect I will make "filmjölk" =similar to youghurt, but good :lol:     because I eat it every day in Sweden, so I asume I will miss it, when I live abroad long time.

(It's very easy to make. Just bring a cotton cloth with a good "filmjölk" dried on it, put it in some fresh milk, and put it in room temperature (not over around 40 C) in around 18-24 hours. When it's ready, put it in a refrigirator. Such process change the taste, make it more creamy and make it fresh for much longer time too.)

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Papa Carl

Money? Money? WHAT IS THAT?


First I would have to have some, in order to save any of it!!!!



Ha Ha, great subject though Bob, leave it to a fellow Canadian to think of saving money!!!


Great suggestions so far as well, when I get some money I will surely use all this good advice.



Papa Carl

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