Cebu Heart Specialist

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I have a fiance in Cebu City. I work in Australia and I am trying to get her some medical attention and possibly surgery. Her condition is that she had a son when she was 20 years old and at that time she was diagnosed as having a hole in her heart. She is now 22 and I would like some advice on a specialist that can look at her case. I understand that there are several invasive operations that can be performed. This is urgent as she has begun to experience swelling of the heart. 

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Actually, depending on where and how big the hole is, there are 'plugs' available which are inserted via angioplasty surgery thru the groin or wrist depending on size of the equipment used. I am not sure if available in the Philippines, but this reduces major open heart surgery to a much simpler out patient surgery.

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Call me bubba
Posted (edited)

try RXPINOY site . they may have info that you can use,

off topic but still indirectly related


does she have her PHILHEALTH?

pay now and you will have july-sept quarter already paid, you will need X amount of quarters paid to get benefit

but, every little bit helps


any contributions to SSS ( 


i ask , as with any surgery their is a risk,

since she has a 2yo child and your NOT MARRIED,

In case something happens, this child should have something $$$ set aside to help,

also since she will be "out of work" for recovery the SSS will pay some for her,

Edited by Pittman apartments Sgn
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Chung Hua has a cardiology center.  Not sure how individual doctors are located, but that may be a starting point.  I know that surgeons will send their patients to a favored cardiologist for surgical clearance.  It may be a way to start the search by contacting a cadio surgeon.

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Thanks so far for the information from all. I will follow up on all and keep posting results and updates.

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Thanks so far for the information from all. I will follow up on all and keep posting results and updates.


As an afterthought..... have you seen any echo images or scans to verify what she is saying? What caused her to, after 2 years, seek out a consultation which showed an enlarged heart?


I guess to be blunt, has she given you any proof of her condition? :th_goodidea:

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I was told that at the the time of her pregnancy she was diagnosed. Follow up checks revealed condition worsening. But yes I get your point. Will be returning in Nov. Will be getting all the details then. Was being proactive and gathering possible solutions to a troubling situation. At this time one can only go with trust till proven wrong.

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Chung Hua has a cardiology center.  Not sure how individual doctors are located, but that may be a starting point.  I know that surgeons will send their patients to a favored cardiologist for surgical clearance.  It may be a way to start the search by contacting a cadio surgeon.

Thanks. Presently she has the flu but cannot take any medication per her doctor's recommendation. I will follow up on this. Not there till Nov. now.

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