45 Alert! 45 Alert!

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Dave Hounddriver

You guys are so dang lucky.  Canadian exchange has fallen so much I should say 38 Alert!!!  38 Alert!!!  Guess our currency really is based on oil even though the government tries to tell us our economy is diverse.

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I must admit that I know nothing about Forex or any other money market trade. Can you give us a simple explanation for dummies like me to understand
Well.  Very simplified:   Stay out of it   :)  

(See why in the rest of my post.)

Forex trading is the new "fashion" , which many WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE have been fooled to join. Some of the economic crisis have STARTED by similar have happened concerning stock markets and real estates...

Jake, only about 5% of all traders actually make money trading the markets and I don't know any that will give you their secret formula, takes lots of years and some tears to finally get there.

Exactly. Just a few percent earn in the LONG run, while many lose (almost) all.

Very few of the traders nowadays have any secrets, they USE ONLY TA (=Technic Analysise) which DON'T BOTHER about REAL VALUES, iy only bother about price changes and Buy/Sell "signals" they make. Some BIG traders started making AUTOMATIC trading programs based ONLY at TA. They have placed their computers CLOSE to the main trading places to be milliseconds FASTER than opponents with own automatic programs. =We humans have NO CHANCE to be faster than them.

So a big part of the trading decisions are made by NO THINKING!!!

Such TA based trading can function rather good until some REAL VALUE changing happen.

Such TA based trading can be FOOLED by study how THEY "think" (=what make them order Buy/Sell.) Such signals can be MADE by someone who REALY THINK    :)   and have money enough.   

(I have made it myself in some SMALL stocks with big spread (=big difference between offered Buy and Sell   (undepending of if I made it to fool TA   :)  or by I bought/sold "much" for THAT stock, which can be only 2000 USD in a small stock.

Boros has made it in WHOLE "small" currencies,  E g he scared the hell of Swedish krona market around 20 years ago, made the market BELIEVE the value was much wrong, which e g made the interests ruch up to 500 % for some days!!!   After a while ballance was gound again - and Boros had wonn much money, not bothering it started a crisis...

The exchange rate of a currency against another currency is a reflection of the condition of that country's economy, compared to other countries' economies.
Well. They are SUPPOUSED to be,

BUT it's mainly as the following say: 

Most countries currency rates are set by market forces.
= NOT by REAL values, because so big part of the traders use only TA...



It's even WORSE with Forex than with stocks because

/Forex is a "minus game"  = Total result for buyers and sellers is ZERO, but minus the fees traders take

/while stocks have Companies behind them, which many TA traders of stocks forget  :hystery:     which can be seen when they discus stock "values". Companies in average EARN some money, which make average stock go UP some in average in REAL value in the long run...


TA often pressure paid prices to go up or down far to much, BUT sooner or later more corect valuing will happen, when enough many, who THINKS, NOTICE the value is much WRONG Then FA (=Fundamental Analyses = Real value) traders winn, and TA traders are only lucky if they don't lose much, because the smaller traders are not fast enough in fast drops. And they have sold much to early when it goes up much    :mocking:      

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Yeah they gave us charts, useless they are, I just get my dart board out :thumbsup: seems the most productive way to trade
Actualy in a test the MONKEY Ola did beat the "specialists" by throwing darts  :hystery:
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scott h

44.92 in the paper,,,,44.80 at my local money changer

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I just did a FX using BPI online, got 44.81. 

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Tukaram (Tim)

Man, XOOM and Western Union are both still only offering p43.7.  Seems a bit low...

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Man, XOOM and Western Union are both still only offering p43.7. Seems a bit low...

Can't you send money for pickup in USD and then take it to the local money changer? Probably gets you a better exchange rate.
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Call me bubba

Man, XOOM and Western Union are both still only offering p43.7.  Seems a bit low...

of what I recall. they..

1,. Xoom,& Western Union are usually 24 hours behind the current rate.

2, the rate is not set in the RP but either in New York or corporate head office

3. the rate we see ONLINE is the rate we can usually obtain locally w/in a few cents(centavos....5-12)

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Dave Hounddriver
1,. Xoom,& Western Union are usually 24 hours behind the current rate.


I SINCERELY doubt that if the rate goes in you favor.

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robert k

I got 44.8+ at xchane upstairs at Robinsons mall Dumaguete earlier today. Close enough to 45 per USD for me.

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