Philippines Holds World’S Second Largest Gold Reserves

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Jack Peterson

n the topic of world's largest reserves, I think that the PI has the world's largest foreign aid reserve. I read that P42 billion donated for the Yolanda relief is still sitting somewhere until, well, until it is dispersed or disappears.



 Probably a Divvy up before the Elections next year.

Sort of like a funding for those that don't get re-elected until they get a new trough to feed from. :unsure:


:no:  Oooooooooooops did i just say that? What I meant was  :hystery:

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Kuya John
Posted (edited)

Please spare me,

Having watched documentries on the subject and seen the destruction open cast mining does to the environment, man's greed for Gold is only superseded by man's need for War!

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Jack Peterson

Lets not forget that Apartheid in South Africa was worsened by Gold. After it was done with, South Africa became a non descriptive in gold production 

Lessons learned? I think So. lets hope it Remains that way.


JP :tiphat:

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Posted (edited)

I think the comment about leaving it in the ground until the nation's technology and institutions are able to harness and redistribute the benefits is spot on. Plenty of really poor nations with huge mineral reserves that are unable or unwilling to use it for the benefit of its population. 

Edited by Dave Hounddriver
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i am bob
Posted (edited)

There is small scale gold mining not too far from where I live... Within city limits even... But one thing I saw turned me off open pit mining (which isn't allowed now)... An entire small mountain that is ready to collapse after 3/4 of it was removed for mining years ago! Not only is it an eye sore as it is completely dead of vegetation but people live and work around the base of what's left... So sad!

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Executive Order 79 would also calm environmental interests if it goes far enough. The draft legislation clarifies parts of the Philippines that are closed to mining and calls for more enforcement of environmental rules.
Anyone knowing where?


(I suppouse that get a some better chance to avoid geting environmental poisioning, but even NATIONAL PARKS are fat ftom safe in corrupt countries.

E g in San Carlos, Negros, them in power liked a National Park, so they CHANGED it to not being National Park no more and built houses there THEMSEVES  :bash:     

Officials in Manila also insist on getting a bigger share of revenues from the nation’s treasures
give Manila more royalties
  Manila get the money, and the locals get the destroyed environments...  :bash:
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i am bob

Executive Order 79 would also calm environmental interests if it goes far enough. The draft legislation clarifies parts of the Philippines that are closed to mining and calls for more enforcement of environmental rules.

Anyone knowing where?


(I suppouse that get a some better chance to avoid geting environmental poisioning, but even NATIONAL PARKS are fat ftom safe in corrupt countries.

E g in San Carlos, Negros, them in power liked a National Park, so they CHANGED it to not being National Park no more and built houses there THEMSEVES  :bash:     

Officials in Manila also insist on getting a bigger share of revenues from the nation’s treasures

give Manila more royalties

  Manila get the money, and the locals get the destroyed environments...  :bash:

If you read Executive Order 79, it tells you the general areas as well as where to find the specific area as identified through the responsible departments.

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If you read Executive Order 79, it tells you the general areas as well as where to find the specific area as identified through the responsible departments.
Now I have read through it and the other law texts it refer too.

I did hope it would LIST which provinces/barangays they will extempt   :)

but the texts don't tell areas, only TYPES.

It's NOT satisfactoring to be dependant of personal interpretions from handlers in a country where many are corrupt...  :unsure:

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  • 2 weeks later...

If gold reserves are developed here then the rich will get richer, aided by laborers earning $20 a day and thinking they are well paid.  Either that or China will claim all of Philippines as being within 200 miles of their new island in Spratleys and thus the gold is theirs.

China already has a claim to the islands of Luzon and Mindanao ....

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