Would You Do It?

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I have two friends who are both truck drivers (ex-Army - RCT) in the UK both with long term Filipina partners in the Philippines (one is K's elder sister).Both "commute" between the UK, where they work (they share a flat) and the Philippines where they plan to settle when they retire. Both their Filipina partners run businesses. They have both been doing this for some years and their lives are very stable. Obviously given their trade they don't have drink problems, but they do seem to have the situation well sorted out.


I think Txxxx could do the same?


Txxx is only 52. Still in his working years. He should do this and that's why we are pushing him.  Lover boy Txxx doesn't want to leave his partner. :bash:

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Back to the OP, Brett, that eternal debt thing "utang na loob" is something that the poorest seem to benefit from the most.  I'm super hesitant to accept help from Filipinos, knowing that my payback is based on the socialist pay scale, and I'm not nearly as rich as the locals think I am.  In it's most simple form, it's local guys offering to share the remnants of their Red Horse, knowing you will buy the next one, and the next one........ :cheersty:    In your case, I would have helped, but I would have felt weird about it afterwards, as it crosses the line between friend and "friend for hire".  

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Txxx is only 52. Still in his working years. He should do this and that's why we are pushing him. Lover boy Txxx doesn't want to leave his partner. :bash:
Has he tried to do some work to earn IN PHILS, instead of spending the afternoons drinking?


I still claim you are NOT REALY pushing him, because telling him to do it AND give him money, when he DON'T do it, that's NOT pushing him...

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First things first, you have to start to help yourself before asking others to help,

He is lucky he has a trade that he can put his hand too, but it seems he has to be pushed and pushed very hard, to me you have done more then many would have, ADVICE IS FREE, keep giving that until you know you cant but cash is very hard to come by for many of us, so i would say keep it, unless you can afford to loose it,

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Jack Peterson

 You know, ( said with Tongue in Cheek here) This sounds like most of us with (or had) Teenage kids, High Moral Ground, Lecture and 

Loads of if's and But's then what do we do? We go ahead and reward the Situation. We are none of us perfect and in the perfect world I just hope this does not Come back and bite you on the BUM and all end in Tears.  :rolleyes:


JP :tiphat:

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