Overstaying Your Visa.

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Dave Hounddriver

Here is where you can find the form to apply for a:





Who can apply?

A foreign national who is: 

a. overstaying beyond the maximum allowable stay: 

     - 36 months for Visa-Non Required Nationals 
     - 24 months for Visa Required 

b. overstaying for more than 6 months regardless if their stay is within allowable 


How much does it cost?



38 days validity of stay

Motion for Reconsideration Fee

Php 500. 00

Legal Research Fee 

10. 00


PHP 510. 00

Note: Administrative Fine (Ph P 5,000.00) to be charged every year of over stay. Eighteen (18) months of 
         over stay considered two (2) years. BALIKBAYAN is exempted from this fine.


I would suggest that this is in addition to the 1,000 per month late fee So:  If they accept your Motion for Reconsideration and you are a 1 year overstay then you pay 1 year's renewals (approximately 20,000 pesos) + 12 late fees (12,000 pesos) + the 5,000 peso fine and 510 peso to file. That is at least 37,000 pesos for 1 year.  If he is more than 1 year late it seems he will be in deep ka ka and better be prepared to leave the country.  Such is my interpretation of the rules, but this is Philippines, there are always exceptions.

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But each extension is a separate transaction if you get my point here, Dave. They are not going to lump them all together eg...an individual with a 10-11 month overstay doesn't suddenly get an up to date extension stamped in his passport. Each transaction will be separate and will attract the express fee. So each transaction eg each 59 day extension is stamped separately in the passport until it becomes current.

Ne sais pas....isn't it?

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  • 2 months later...

Update. My friend has just had the decision and he had to pay 50,000 for a fine and 2 month visa extension on top so not a bad result I would say at least now he is legal. 1 more thing he had to go to Manila to do this as it was over 1 year overstay.

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Jack Peterson

Update. My friend has just had the decision and he had to pay 50,000 for a fine and 2 month visa extension on top so not a bad result I would say at least now he is legal. 1 more thing he had to go to Manila to do this as it was over 1 year overstay.

Just goes to show that being up front with the BI is the best Policy, A good result in my Book. :thumbsup:


Jack :)  

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Update. My friend has just had the decision and he had to pay 50,000 for a fine and 2 month visa extension on top so not a bad result I would say at least now he is legal. 1 more thing he had to go to Manila to do this as it was over 1 year overstay.

Just goes to show that being up front with the BI is the best Policy, A good result in my Book. :thumbsup:


Jack :)  


I feel the same as you jack if something is law you may as well do it as eventually (no matter how much it kisses you off) it will bite you in the ass if you don`t do it.

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My friend flew to Manila this morning everything is now sorted. JP if he remembers he is getting some HP for you which I will bring over on the 16th.

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Jack Peterson

My friend flew to Manila this morning everything is now sorted. JP if he remembers he is getting some HP for you which I will bring over on the 16th.

post-2148-0-75192300-1449033663_thumb.pn That'll do for me My friend


Jack :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

It really is such an easy system here.  Just keep paying your fees on time.   If i ever end up overstaying I will take the blame and laugh it off... too many try to blame the "corruption" for their own choice to not follow the rules.    Best thing is just man up, admit you done wrong, pay your fines, and move on... well best thing is stay up to date ha ha  :tiphat:


I bet in many cases it's not that easy as the reason they have not paid is they blew the budget and can not live on what income they have.

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Tukaram (Tim)


It really is such an easy system here.  Just keep paying your fees on time.   If i ever end up overstaying I will take the blame and laugh it off... too many try to blame the "corruption" for their own choice to not follow the rules.    Best thing is just man up, admit you done wrong, pay your fines, and move on... well best thing is stay up to date ha ha  :tiphat:


I bet in many cases it's not that easy as the reason they have not paid is they blew the budget and can not live on what income they have.



That is unfortunate - and I hope I never do it.   But if I do I will take full responsibility - it sure ain't immigration's fault  :tiphat:

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It really is such an easy system here.  Just keep paying your fees on time.   If i ever end up overstaying I will take the blame and laugh it off... too many try to blame the "corruption" for their own choice to not follow the rules.    Best thing is just man up, admit you done wrong, pay your fines, and move on... well best thing is stay up to date ha ha  :tiphat:


I bet in many cases it's not that easy as the reason they have not paid is they blew the budget and can not live on what income they have.



That is unfortunate - and I hope I never do it.   But if I do I will take full responsibility - it sure ain't immigration's fault  :tiphat:


No not imigrations fault and I think he only had to pay what was due so I found this case very fair

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