Bullet Scam Angered Philippine Legislators

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The NBI has already stated that this is a large syndicate. My concern here is no perpetrators have really been arrested. I don't think it helps that the general manager of the airport is related to the president of the country.


It is additionally concerning that other airports such as in Davao are seeing this modus. My guess is it will just be a matter of time before more airports "participate". This is why it is important to do our part in trying to address this such as thru avenues like communicating our concerns to our own country's government (State Department, Embassies, Senators, Congressmen, etc). As i previously mentioned, I contacted mine. One of my senators stated that they had received several calls and emails about it. They then contacted the State department. Others who were not aware were made aware and said they will pursue the proper avenues. More of this will definitely help. You all have access to the internet. These public servants can all be reached thru the internet.


No traveler should be subjected to this.

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scott h
No traveler should be subjected to this


They have not been lately gaga, only those who "forget" they have a lucky bullet with them or don't read the newspaper. And according to the papers lately all of them have been released after a cursory investigation by the prosecutor who is now stationed at NAIA. 


Naturally the complaints are now of missed flights because the investigations take to long. (Like its the prosecutors' fault they brought a bullet charm with them :hystery: )

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Posted (edited)


No traveler should be subjected to this


They have not been lately gaga, only those who "forget" they have a lucky bullet with them or don't read the newspaper. And according to the papers lately all of them have been released after a cursory investigation by the prosecutor who is now stationed at NAIA. 


Naturally the complaints are now of missed flights because the investigations take to long. (Like its the prosecutors' fault they brought a bullet charm with them :hystery: )



I am aware of the current news. Because no one has been openly arrested and prosecuted for planting bullets plus the recent Senate hearing of Mr Honrado was pretty much a sham, it does not give assurance that anything will be done about this. Also, just bc nothing has happened lately does not mean it has stopped.


As security/TSA announcements in airports state, there is enough to worry about watching out for luggage unattended or bringing anything for someone you do not know. Also, getting items stolen from your luggage is not unusual. In the US, when you go thru TSA and are bringing prohibited items, all TSA does is confiscate the item(s) and let you go on your merry way. No one extorts money or detain you or threaten you jail time.


We can talk about this all day but the bottom line is this bullet planting is unacceptable. I have already suggested an avenue to take to help stop it. If you have other suggestions (besides watching out for yourselves) I am sure members would be interested.

Edited by gaga4
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scott h
If you have other suggestions


My suggestion is exactly what happened Gaga. Place an official of some sort (in this case a public prosecutor, our version of a district attorney) who has the authority to decide on the spot if any bullets found should be prosecuted or summarily dismissed. Did it take a while to implement? You bet. Could it have been handled better? Naturally.


But at the end of the day what's the end game scenario?


1. A serious problem was brought to public attention

2. Public outcry demanded action

3. Investigations occurred

3. (a). The public at larged implemented stop gap measures (baggage wrapping) 

4. A plan was devised

5. The plan (prosecutors at NAIA) was implemented 

6. The problem has been addressed and subdued.


The long term solution is as you suggest

all TSA does is confiscate the item(s) and let you go on your merry way.
but this will entail a congressional change of the law. Which expressly states 1 bullet is like 1000. Like Government's anywhere this will take time since the reelection season just started lol :1 (103): .


when you go thru TSA and are bringing prohibited items, all TSA does is confiscate the item(s) and let you go on your merry way


As to the above, I have to correct you just a little. My wife worked for TSA since before 9-11 (was a screener before TSA was even created) and retired from that organization in 2012.


You are correct that if a person brings on a open bottle of water or to large a tooth pasted tube, they just take it and throw it away. However if a person is found to have any type of dangerous item, they are held and the Airport police (in her case the San Diego Harbor Police) are called. At which point the Harbor police take custody of the passenger, lead them away to a dark room someplace (gallows humor :rolleyes: ) and determine if the passenger is a threat or not. My wife says that 9 times out of 10 the passenger is back in line in 20 minutes. The tenth time? who knows maybe the cops found something.

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My suggestion is exactly what happened Gaga.


Triple LIKE Scott!

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scott h
Triple LIKE Scott!


Thanks Jake, two sayings I learned as a young man when I think about change in the Philippines, one I learned in the SF "slow is sure, sure is fast" the other in a group I repsect "progress, not perfection" I keep these in mind and my blood pressure stays lower lolol

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Hey Steve

My suggestion is exactly what happened Gaga.


Triple LIKE Scott!

I second that triple like from Jake, Scott. It seems to me, anyway, this gives a clear prospective and summarizes this whole issue to completion. 

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I'm at the airport now and had no issues at all. I actually felt a little foolish with my wife's duct tape job.

Nobody even laid a finger any of my luggage except for Asiana.

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Jack Peterson

I'm at the airport now and had no issues at all. I actually felt a little foolish with my wife's duct tape job.

Nobody even laid a finger any of my luggage except for Asiana.

 Nice to read an Online account as it happens, Thank You Richie  :thumbsup:


Jack :rolleyes:

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