Old, Alone And Stuck In The Philippines

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Vince Runza

I need to make sure that my young wife understands my wishes and does not try to hold on to me when I am ready to go.

This is on my list of non-negotiable rules for being my partner. My father held on for a few months longer than he needed to -- not because of interference, but plain stubbornness!

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The doctor subscribed my 85 year old grandfather to stay in such place two months to recover after serious foot break after being hit by a car, but he left the second day and went home to take care of himself, couldn't stand to be there any longer

Yikes! I'm researching managed care for my old age, not warehousing! I'm thrilled that Mom has a lovely place to be, with all the activities she wants, and the privacy she needs.

The reason my grandfather told was:

-I couldn't stand to be among that old people.

He was ELDER than most of them himself :lol:

My fear, based on what happens all the time in the West, is about the extraordinary measures we make to ensure that old people hang on, sometimes too long. I would rather have 80 pretty healthy years than 85 years where the last 5 are miserable.
I would rather have 90 pretty healthy years than 95 years where the last 5 are miserable  :mocking:


(My grandfather was in very good shape, better than rather many 50 year olds, until he was 85, when he was hit by a car. By that he lost stamina and started to be some dement, but worked until he was 90, when he got fired, because he forgot to forward some big sellings. Until 90 he took care of himself, but then he started to be to dangerous forgeting stoves and such making fire risk. 90-95 was bad years for him, "storage" living. long memory still functioning, but lost short memory, not remembering what we talked about 2 minutes ago, so we needed only two subjects to keep conversation up long time.)

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Vince Runza

The reason my grandfather told was: -I couldn't stand to be among that old people. He was ELDER than most of them himself

My Mom felt the same way at the last place she lived. Now, at the new place she's moved to, there are many young people on the support staff -- and she can ignore the Old Farts!

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