Expats In Philippines Top 10 Movies

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Posted (edited)

10-To Kill a Mockingbird

9-Raging Bull

8-Schindler's List

7-Young Frankenstein

6-The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

5-Fist full  of Dollars

4-A beautiful Mind

3-The Treasure of Sierra Madre

2-Sling Blade



I hope we can recognize at least 6 out 10 of Jake's favorites-Jake..let 'er rip


Nice list. I should have included Raging Bull which I have watched several times. Superb acting and true story which I like.


Late addition: The African Queen.

Edited by chris49
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I hope we can recognize at least 6 out 10 of Jake's favorites-Jake..let 'er rip


Jake and I have been swapping first VCR tapes, then DVD's for years, just as troop moral boosters (we never watched them ourselves naturally).


1. Debbie does Dallas

2. Debbie does Denver

3. Debbie does Davenport

4. Debbie does Dayton

5. Debbie does Detroit

6. Debbie does Duluth

7. Debbie does Dearborn

8. Debbie does Daytona Beach

9. Debbie does Dayton

and the international best seller

10. Debbie does Denmark.


ha ha....followed closely by McHale's Navy, the love boat, and Hogan's Heroes...can't wait...




Sex always wins.

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My all time favourite is Forrest Gump, but there are so many great movies listed here.

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Jack Peterson

My Advance List





The Excorcist

Bridge on the River Kwai

Von Ryans Express

The Bridge at Remangen

Shinglers List

Any Jack the Ripper Films.  :hystery:  ( I was reincarnated) but seriously I have  a Liking of the Story.


Jack :thumbsup:


 At a Push for sheer Boredom, "The Dirty Dozen"

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Wow, each of the movies everyone called out is great and worth watching. But Dave, and especially Methersgate I totally :tiphat:  agree. 

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scott h

With all the Brits here I am really surprised no one listed


The Wind and the Lion


With Sir Sean Connery and Lauren Bacall, no there is a movie

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Posted (edited)

Most of my favorites are already mentioned. so I'll just add a few more that is not on the list.


1. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring

2. Grave of the Fireflies

3. Spirited Away

4. The Wind Rises

5. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

6. OldBoy(Korean Version)

7. Manila in the Claws of Light (Filipino Film)

8. Weighed But Found Wanting (Filipino Film)

Edited by frozenmystic28
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Planes, Trains and Automobiles. John Candy, Steve Martin. Have not saw it in awhile but probably the only movie I have saw evan coming close to 10 times

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There are some great titles here!  Some I have never seen and worse is some I have never even heard of.  I need to go through and make a list.  Should be some good viewing on those long boring rainy days.

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Sorry I got a bit carried away, I went through the list of movies I have and must've used fingers and toes when I was counting. Also separated out military movies, not sure why LOL


Pentagon Wars - US Vets must see this one, especially if familiar with supply. 

Dirty Dozen

Enemy at the Gates


Saving Private Ryan

Sergeant York

The Boys of Company C


Adjustment Bureau

the Jason Bourne movies

the Riddick movies

Fifth Element

I Frankenstein



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Van Helsing

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