Dingtone anyone? (or receive SMS texts w/o US phone number

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Any up to date ideas/apps/etc. On what to use to get a US phone number (while already in the Phils)?  Just need to ability to receive SMS texts to satisfly online logon verification for US based institutions. Some sites won't let me register an overseas number.   I currently use alternative 2nd tier methods for logging into credit card/banks sites by answering secuity questions or receiving code via email, but I would like to be able to register a US phone number just to satisfy their thurst to have a number on file.

Somebody mentioned Dingtone app, but offered no details.


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Dave Hounddriver
6 minutes ago, CoffeeRulzMe said:

Just need to ability to receive SMS texts to satisfly online logon verification for US based institutions. Some sites won't let me register an overseas number.

Many of us have had similar situations.  I "chatted online" with customer support for the 2 banks that were giving me grief.  In one case they allowed me to set up a "secure email" and they send me a logon verification code my email and the other one set up a security question that would pop up for me so they did not need to call or text me.  How did I get away with that?  Glad you asked :whistling:  I played the "senior's card" and told them I don't use my phone and don't have a cell phone because I am partially deaf so I cannot hear the ring and cannot hear the person on the other end talking.  I also said I am half blind so I have to go find my glasses to read text messages so I refuse to have a cell phone.  I went on to say I can use my laptop because I do not need the sound and I can enlarge the text to suit my vision.  Partially disabled seniors get all the privileges :thumbsup:  It is all true, by the way, but I probably exaggerated a bit and forgot to tell them I spend most of my time in Philippines. :hystery:

Anyway, I had started a thread about it a year ago and you may find some info in it to help you.  Here is the link


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