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My wife Emma does look after me very well, she can make a meal out off anything, she makes sure that all the fat is cut of any meat she may have cooked and her puddings are amazing , yum yum yum.

Well the other day she decided she was going to make a pie , a proper steak and kidney pie , so when i came in from work the smell was wonderful just like coming in from school and smelling my mums cooking it was that good.

She was so excited that she had managed to bake this pie and as it came out of the oven pipping hot and it looked fantastic, a nice brown coloured pie crust that had risen and the juices had just started to leak over the side of the dish and through the breathing holes in the top of the pie, out came the potatoes and carrots and a little bit of greens and it was all plated up.

It looked amazing there in front of me , the heat was rising  from the pie and the gravy was thick and the meat was so tender, it just melted in my mouth, then there was the pastry, the bottom had been soaked in all the juices and this too just was like my mum use to make and then there was the crust, ROCK HARD my knife would not even cut it, infact i had to take my false tooth out just incase it snapped while trying to eat the crust, after a little soaking in the gravy it was sort of ok to eat.

As it was her first attempt of baking what could i say other then make sure you measure out the ingredients rather then guess  them as that is what she did.

By the way, the door crust makes a great doorstop.

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Jack Peterson
3 hours ago, stevewool said:

By the way, the door crust makes a great doorstop.

:omg: :hystery: Cruising for a Bruisin talk mate :whistling:

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Must admit, first thing I tought my Mrs was how to make Yorkshire Puddings, meat and potato pie, and proper mash.... Now she's better then me..... 

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Gary D

My wife's favourite meal is what we call in the UK a sunday roast, roast beef, roasted potatoes, yorkshire pudding etc. It's the first meal we will have when we get back from visiting the Philippines, even if it's not sunday.

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