Guide to Foreigner to get a Senior Citizen Card in the Philippines

Can Foreigner to get a Senior Citizen Card in the Philippines, YES. As of 2018, foreigner senior citizens can enjoy the same perks and privileges as that of Filipino senior citizens.

Lawmakers in the country saw their contribution to nation-building. Hence, they gave them their deserved attention. “They bring in considerable investments. They patronize local businesses. They contribute to the local economy, and in some cases take a role in nation-building,” they said.
As a result, lawmakers have passed the bill that would help foreign senior citizens enjoy the same senior citizen benefits of Filipinos. All the requirements that they need to submit are as follows:

  1. ID card issued by the Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs in thtion, for his/her beneficiaries to be entitled to the funeral benefit.

For employed members and those separated from employment – the deceased must been reported for coverage by his/her employer, even if no contribution was paid, for his/her beneficiaries to be entitled to the funeral benefit.

How to Apply need to look this up yet


