Still perfectly capable of 88 miles per hour.


Woah, this is heavy. If you're a fan of the Back to the Future movies, or even have a passing interest in cars, there's no doubt that you've heard of the DeLorean DMC-12. While it's design was pretty striking, with gullwing doors, stainless steel panels, and a trick fiberglass structure with a steel backbone chassis, the DeLorean wasn't a hit, selling only less than 10,000 cars. Nevertheless, it was its appearance in the Back to the Future movies that made it such an iconic vehicle. It's that same movie that inspired Dutch computer technician, Bjorn Harms, to create this unique, remote-controlled DeLorean DMC-12. 

If his name sounds familiar, it's because he's the same guy that created that sweet remote controlled Chevrolet Corvette we featured a month or two ago. He was hard at work on this project for a good six months to complete the initial prototype, then another three months to make it safer and more reliable to operate. The remote control is also made to look and function like the one in the movie, a Futaba FP T7UAF to be exact, in the scene where Dr. Emmett Brown shows off his latest time machine creation. There's even a failsafe system integrated into a switch on the remote, bringing the car to a stop when the remote control is turned off.


The steering was an issue in creating this life-sized remote control car, and Bjorn had to adapt an electronic power steering system from an Opel Corsa to get it right. Even with the remote control system in place, the DeLorean is still road legal (at least in the Netherlands), making it pretty darn cool. It still uses a 2.8-liter V6 with 130 horsepower with a reduced top speed of 100 miles per hour due to the added weight of all the movie props (550 pounds heavier than stock). 

The way we see it, if you're going to build a remote controlled time machine car, why not do it with some style?