Looking for a boxing gym!

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Hi there! Looking for a proper gym that would accept a regular person training there for a price. Im talking about a proper fighter oriented gym for full time training, not ALA or any of the regular commercial gyms. Just any tips really, some contract info maybe so I can send and email or call and enquire. Maybe a long shot but im looking to train full time, as an amateur but with a proper trainer. My thinking is it could probably be sorted out, for the right price of course. 


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Do you mean anywhere in the Philippines or a certain place? 

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47 minutes ago, Jollygoodfellow said:


Do you mean anywhere in the Philippines or a certain place? 

Im willing to travel for sure, based in Cebu but can pack a bag and leave anytime. 

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2 minutes ago, kaallle1 said:

Im willing to travel for sure, based in Cebu but can pack a bag and leave anytime. 

There is a boxing gym in Banilad or at least used to be. Not sure as have not been that way for awhile. I have no idea of service they have or really know much about it but have seen it. Its was in the complex where the Robinsons supermarket is second level.

May be no help to you but who knows.

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Posted (edited)

I'm sure there are professional boxing gyms in the Philippines (given the populatity of the sport and their resident champion) but I confess to not having seen any so maybe not so common.

Edited by GeoffH
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There's a professional boxer that trains people in Sabang, Puerto Galera at the Big Apple resort and I'm led to believe also one on Boracay at Kingfisher Gym. They also specialise in MMA.

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There are plenty of boxing gyms in the Philippines, but the best are outdoors and do not advertise. I boxed many years ago and always found the training to be a good way to stay in shape. All you have to do is ask the people where boxers go to train. They will liekly direct to a place where there is a heavy bag hung from a tree and the speed bag is worn out but they will welcome you. It's old school training. Jumping rope and the like has never been high tech anyway. Sparring is great fun here. If you are old like me and your jaw bone is not as strong as it used to be you might want to buy your own head gear and a good mouth piece. All things considered it is great fun.

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  • Forum Support

Share with us once you find a gym or boxing club? It would be interesting to hear your story.

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  • 1 year later...

Hey! That sounds like a great goal. I'd suggest researching local martial arts or MMA gyms in your area. Look for ones that offer professional training for amateurs. You can usually find contact info on their websites or social media pages. Give them a call or shoot them an email to inquire about pricing and training options.

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  • Forum Support

Kim_nancy, have you visited or lived in Philippines?

The question Kaallle1 asked was about a year ago and he or she has never returned. 

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