Employment in Manila / Quezon City Jab requirements.

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A friend of mine wishes to remain a pure-blood and not get the jab.  She mentioned that it was "official policy" that if she wanted to work in a Salon she would need to get jabbed.  Is this still the case?  I can not see anywhere online if in fact Philippines has rescinded this requirement to gain employment.


Thank you,



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2 minutes ago, seanL said:

A friend of mine wishes to remain a pure-blood and not get the jab.  She mentioned that it was "official policy" that if she wanted to work in a Salon she would need to get jabbed.  Is this still the case?  I can not see anywhere online if in fact Philippines has rescinded this requirement to gain employment.


Thank you,



I believe each company/business can have its own rules and it's like it or lump it. Malls and any place can if they want to enforce masks. For example, my GF company where she works still requires masks in their building. So yes if they say you must be vaccinated to work for them as far as I know nothing can be done other than agree or not.

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