Dragonm Fly Software

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Mr Lee

Anyone use this yet and if so how does it work for you? I am really having a hard time typing with all my arthritis in my hands and other issues and this would sure make it easier if it works.


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I've used it before. The only thing is, is that you have to go through a lot of calibration (reading text on the screen) so it can learn your speech. It's still not 100% so you'll also have to watch what it outputs before hitting enter.

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Mr Lee
I've used it before. The only thing is, is that you have to go through a lot of calibration (reading text on the screen) so it can learn your speech. It's still not 100% so you'll also have to watch what it outputs before hitting enter.
Thanks Steve, I guess that means you did not find it effective enough to use all the time? And when you say enter, do you mean for each line of text or just when sending an email or im?
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For sending an IM, email, etc. There are formatting words such as bold, copy, delete. Dictating words such as exclamation point, period, comma, etc. So it can be hands free.I have a habit for talking to fast and the software just didn't do a good job.

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I've used it before and it worked OK. Steve's comments are pretty accurate. It takes a while to train the software and once trained, you need to speak slowly and enunciate clearly. You cannot talk like you do in every day conversation, you need to speak more slowly and clearly. If you have problems typing, its worth a try. These problems are inherent in any speech recognition software. Its not just Dragon that has these drawbacks.

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