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Hope this video opens up.

This type of low life ignorance has been posted here before.

Just another friendly reminder for all the well-intentioned current & for those future expats.

Culture, laws, unwritten rules & geographical norms might be different or unacceptable to you for where you are from.

Make yourself smart & learn them, live them, or possibly pay an unbearable price. 

British man arrested in Thailand for bad reviews of Phuket restaurant (

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The story was however that there was a dispute about the restaurant's right to disallow the 'British man' to walk through their restaurant to enter his apartment and then the man asked friends and/or acquaintances to give multiple fake 1 star ratings to the restaurant.

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Gutenberg said:

The story was however that there was a dispute about the restaurant's right to disallow the 'British man' to walk through their restaurant to enter his apartment and then the man asked friends and/or acquaintances to give multiple fake 1 star ratings to the restaurant.

I have not seen any other full article on the story which is irrelevant.

I would not be renting from a location that would entail me to walk through a private business, another's personal space, etc. to enter my dwelling (IMO).

Again, avoid ignorance which can lead to jail, robbery or death.


Edited by MotorSarge
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Posted (edited)
35 minutes ago, Gutenberg said:

Thank you, I now read story which is still irrelevant to my original posting.

So as when I lived in Germany 30 years ago when it was still "German" and not part of the UE....I abided by their customs, culture & laws.

EG.s  (examples given)

Used a fork to eat French Fries (pommess fritz) or Pizza in public...Or your just another Ignorant Nasty foreigner!

Asking for cold beer was then ignorant....Must be a Kano.

You piss on a Wall in authentic German bars with rinse bars....There was no missing the Urinal.

I could pull up to a stop light in any town/big city and open my door and urinate in public, as witnessed.

Need to Shite while yer on the Autobahn....No problem....Pull over & take care of business and mark with yer Shite tissue.

Miss & Loved Germany.

Edited by MotorSarge
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hk blues
4 hours ago, MotorSarge said:

I have not seen any other full article on the story which is irrelevant.

I would not be renting from a location that would entail me to walk through a private business, another's personal space, etc. to enter my dwelling (IMO).

Again, avoid ignorance which can lead to jail, robbery or death.


If you did read the article you'd know that the access to the apartment was more convenient through the restaurant but not the only access - presumably the other access was further. 

I'm not sure there was any ignorance involved- it was plain old revenge and backfired on him.

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