Dog and Pony Show at the Embassy

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Hope I put this in the right place.

To paraphrase, "I'm mad as hell but I'm going to keep taking it because there's not a damn thing I can do except write a post on a chat room".

A family acquaintance applied for a tourist visa to visit the US. 40 something, high level college degree, good job for many years and, like all Filipinos, makes peanuts. It was denied but that's not the point (note the bold). Whatever the decision, WHY do they require tourist visa applicants to go to Manila for an "interview" at a bank teller-type window, get asked 2 questions and told they can reapply in 6 months. The non-refundable tourist visa fee is $185; add to that the cost of plane, boat, bus, taxi, hotel, food etc and it's a whole lot to these people. From everything I have read on the immigration forums the decision to deny or approve tourist visas is made weeks before the interview based upon a profile. It's a formality. But you can reapply in 6 months! Waiting in lines for hours, being herded like cattle, throwing hard earned money away. No thanks. So many ways they could do it differently; snail mail, email, secure message in the agency website. So stupid and wrong but the Filipinos shrug and keep smiling. They're used to it.

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Been there done that got the t-shirt. 
Im a British citizen and have to go through the same process as Filipinos IF I ever chose to visit the US again.
Since the age of 19 I’ve been refused one visa and given another on compassionate grounds after a grilling by some bearded twat. 
I’ve never been convicted of a crime, but apparently my movements  were suspicious and I was held at the airport for several hours at age 19.

Going to the US then Columbia back to the US and then the Philippines within the space of 6 months either made me a communist or a drug smuggler. 


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scott h
2 hours ago, MikeB said:

WHY do they require tourist visa applicants to go to Manila for an "interview"

Hey Mike, while I despise bureaucracy in all its forms (spend 30 years in the army like i did, and you KNOW bureaucracy), I will tell you a story told to me by my little brother, who works for the US State Department. His first duty assignment was in Legos, Nigeria as a (you guessed it) visa approval officer.  He related that one gent would come to the embassy, waiting in the lines, paying the fees every two weeks or so. With a different name, different profile, different reason to visit and sit for the interview. My brother finally ask this guy. I keep turning you down, why come back all the time using a different name. The applicant didnt bat an eye and said "I heard we all look the same to you, maybe this time I get lucky!"

This wont make your friend feel better, but those folks doing the interview are not only supposed to be suspicious, but they get lied to all the time, and I mean ALL the time. 

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4 hours ago, scott h said:

spend 30 years in the army like i did,

Thought you were in the Marines?

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scott h
1 hour ago, MikeB said:

Thought you were in the Marines?

Marines for 6 years as a young man, finished out in the Army

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10 hours ago, MikeB said:

Whatever the decision, WHY do they require tourist visa applicants to go to Manila for an "interview" at a bank teller-type window

Bulletproof glass for the protection of embassy employees.  Also, prevents applicants from spitting at them.

Obtaining a visa from a US embassy or consular office is just the first step.  An immigration officer can deny admittance at the port of entry during primary inspection.  The person is then referred to someone else for secondary inspection.  If again denied, you have to leave on the next available flight to the country of origin.  The airline is responsible and might even face a hefty penalty,


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Posted (edited)

My wife went through that process last year. He green card expired, and we had no intention of returning to reside, just to visit. Years ago we were doing 6 months there, 6 months here. Her mother got sick and we could not continue the process of getting her US citizenship. She booked an appointment for a Tourist Visa interview (with the intention of turning in her green card at the same interview).  She had been to the US 5 separate times already, followed all the rules and laws and has travel throughout Asia.  They knew she already had a green card but still asked her many questions. She was interviewed at 4 separate windows and at the 4th window after many more questions they told her she was approved for the 10 year tourist Visa and to return the Green Card at the first Immigration location in The US the next time we visit.

She did tell me that while she was waiting, she saw some never made it passed the 1st Window, some never made it past the 2nd, some never made it past the 3rd window.

What I was disgusted with is many years ago for her Green Card process she had 2 physicals. Each Physical they did an internal Vaginal Exam to ensure she was a female. The staff told her it was required for all applicants.  I would be interested to know if they are still doing this.

Edited by Rooster
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As someone mentioned before they already pretty much know whether the visa will be approved or not. My wife got her B1/2 visitor visa about 18 months ago. "Interview" consisted of two questions. 1. What is your husbands job? [They knew this already] 2. How long will you be gone? Then was told her visa should arrive in 10 days.

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1 hour ago, Rooster said:

What I was disgusted with is many years ago for her Green Card process she had 2 physicals. Each Physical they did an internal Vaginal Exam to ensure she was a female. The staff told her it was required for all applicants.  I would be interested to know if they are still doing this.

I've been on an immigration forum for over 5 years and never heard of this!  I would guess they got sued and had to stop.

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1 hour ago, Rooster said:

What I was disgusted with is many years ago for her Green Card process she had 2 physicals. Each Physical they did an internal Vaginal Exam to ensure she was a female. The staff told her it was required for all applicants.  I would be interested to know if they are still doing this.

Not doubting you but if was me, I’d be screaming blue bloody murder, that just sound right to me 

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