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Yes I am beating a dead horse, but this is the type of shit that keeps me awake at night.  For those of you without school age children, this is probably more of fly on the wall problem.    But, for those of us with school age children this is a big concern.   The Philippines is literally one of the most uneducated countries in the entire world.   Seeing how f'd up everything is here one does not have to guess what the cause is.   


MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines has landed in the bottom four of a global test for creative thinking, ranking student performance in the country as one of the worst in the world, according to results of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)’s newly launched benchmarking test for creativity.

Among 64 countries, 15-year-old Filipino junior high students were deemed to have one of the weakest creative thinking skills globally, with a mean score of 14.2.

In comparison, Southeast Asian neighbor Singapore scored the highest among 64 countries with a mean score of 41.

“The performance gap in creative thinking between the highest-performing and lowest-performing country is very large, around 28 score points. Less than three in every 100 students in the five best-performing countries (Singapore, Korea, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, in descending order) perform around or below the mean of the five lowest performing countries (Albania, the Philippines, Uzbekistan, Morocco and the Dominican Republic, in order),” the study stated.

PISA, developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), said the average score points was 33.


The results, released last Tuesday, were based on tests that nearly 700,000 students from 81 OECD member and partner countries took in 2022.

PISA defines creative thinking as “the competence to engage productively in the generation, evaluation and improvement of ideas that can result in original and effective solutions, advances in knowledge and impactful expressions of imagination.”

Students were made to take a one-hour test on creative thinking items, which were organized into four different contexts: written expression, visual expression, social problem solving and scientific problem-solving.

It also noted that student performance in creative thinking “correlates positively” to their performance in mathematics, reading and science – areas in the last PISA that also showed the Philippines performing poorly.

In the PISA results released in December last year, the Philippines landed in the bottom 10 out of 81 countries in reading comprehension, mathematics and science, based on the 2022 PISA.

Overall, the Philippines achieved a 2.2 percentage point hike in mathematics from 2018 to 2022, 6.9 percent in reading and a 0.8 percent drop in science proficiency.

The mean scores of countries that participated in the PISA 2022 were 472 in mathematics, 476 in reading and 485 in science.

The Philippines scored more or less 120 points less than the average scores in 2022’s assessment, with 355, 347 and 373 for math, reading and science, respectively.

This meant that every 20 points lacking from the average represent one year of annual pace of learning of 15-year-olds in countries that participate in PISA, according to the OECD.

The Department of Education has been sought for comment on the matter, but has yet to respond.



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Sadly without bashing Filipinos I honestly think this is intentional. 

The past president/thug's daughter girl quit her education secretary post today. She clearly made an impact. :whistling:

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hk blues
2 hours ago, Old55 said:

Sadly without bashing Filipinos I honestly think this is intentional. 

The past president/thug's daughter girl quit her education secretary post today. She clearly made an impact. :whistling:

'Quit while you're winning' ; 'Go out on top' ; 'mission accomplished' are just some of the expressions which come to mind!  

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hk blues
2 hours ago, Old55 said:

Sadly without bashing Filipinos I honestly think this is intentional. 

I hope so because I'd hate to think they got there by doing their best! 

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3 hours ago, Old55 said:

The past president/thug's daughter girl quit her education secretary post today. She clearly made an impact.

Maybe teachers can now put back all the distracting posters/pics that according to SD were learning impediments and had to be removed from the classroom.

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This is the number one reason the Philippines will never change.  Fn criminal      "Filipino Pride"

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hk blues

Without going too deeply into any of this, unfortunately the desire to keep the poor poor isn't monopolised by only the wealthy here.  I do not believe that the middle or even upper working class don't realise what's going on - most of us on this forum do and we've been around a lot less than locals in the main - so one can only assume they believe that as they are in the 'have's' rather than the 'have not's' group they think they are benefiting from the system.  

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1 hour ago, hk blues said:

Without going too deeply into any of this, unfortunately the desire to keep the poor poor isn't monopolised by only the wealthy here.  I do not believe that the middle or even upper working class don't realise what's going on - most of us on this forum do and we've been around a lot less than locals in the main - so one can only assume they believe that as they are in the 'have's' rather than the 'have not's' group they think they are benefiting from the system.  

hmmmm I would disagree with this.  The middle class is not big, NOT powerful, and by most humane standards quite poor.  If you look at the statistics, you will find the average salary in the Philippines and what defines "Middle class" is over the map.   "nationwide: 2.4 million minimum wage earners but 8 million paid below the minimum”  "18.1% of the population lived below the national poverty line of 12k a month for a family of 5"   Teachers, nurses, police etc. all earn less than 40k a month, and in most cases it is much less.  As a matter of fact half of the country earns less than 40k a month.   They are under no illusions they are far from well off, and I would venture to guess if you asked them, they would not consider themselves middle class.   I would venture to guess that this is the biggest pool of folks that try to work abroad (maids being an obvious exception) because they know they do not make enough.   I firmly believe the wealthy in this country absolutely do not want things to change... as I have stated before, they would have to raise their own kids, they would have to go to the bank by themselves, they would have to cook, do laundry, drive their own cars, pay a fair wage to have a home built etc.   They will not give any of that up, regardless of what happens to their country or the education system.    I have lived amongst these people, drank with them, played golf with them, sat on HOA boards with them, they look at the 'lower class' as an almost undesirable element of this society.

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hk blues
6 minutes ago, craftbeerlover said:

hmmmm I would disagree with this.  The middle class is not big, NOT powerful, and by most humane standards quite poor.  If you look at the statistics, you will find the average salary in the Philippines and what defines "Middle class" is over the map.   "nationwide: 2.4 million minimum wage earners but 8 million paid below the minimum”  "18.1% of the population lived below the national poverty line of 12k a month for a family of 5"   Teachers, nurses, police etc. all earn less than 40k a month, and in most cases it is much less.  As a matter of fact half of the country earns less than 40k a month.   They are under no illusions they are far from well off, and I would venture to guess if you asked them, they would not consider themselves middle class.   I would venture to guess that this is the biggest pool of folks that try to work abroad (maids being an obvious exception) because they know they do not make enough.   I firmly believe the wealthy in this country absolutely do not want things to change... as I have stated before, they would have to raise their own kids, they would have to go to the bank by themselves, they would have to cook, do laundry, drive their own cars, pay a fair wage to have a home built etc.   They will not give any of that up, regardless of what happens to their country or the education system.    I have lived amongst these people, drank with them, played golf with them, sat on HOA boards with them, they look at the 'lower class' as an almost undesirable element of this society.

Middle class and upper worker class in relative terms rather than what we would consider those terms to mean.

I stick by my opinion that those who are not poor relatively speaking are happy to keep those who are down as it preserves the 'pecking order'.  In reality, where opportunities are limited it makes sense for those who can to ensure what opportunities there are come their way.  I just feel the line is drawn much further down than you think.  And, where would those middle-income and even lower-income families get their maids from if not from the poor?

Just my opinion based on how I see folk around me talk about and treat those 'poor' and I by no means live in a wealthy community.  

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7 minutes ago, hk blues said:

Middle class and upper worker class in relative terms rather than what we would consider those terms to mean.

I stick by my opinion that those who are not poor relatively speaking are happy to keep those who are down as it preserves the 'pecking order'.  In reality, where opportunities are limited it makes sense for those who can to ensure what opportunities there are come their way.  I just feel the line is drawn much further down than you think.  And, where would those middle-income and even lower-income families get their maids from if not from the poor?

Just my opinion based on how I see folk around me talk about and treat those 'poor' and I by no means live in a wealthy community.  

You may be right, we could both be right I guess.  I think I am just pissed off I have to figure out how to get my son a decent education in one of the most piss poor education systems on planet earth. 

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