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2 hours ago, hk blues said:

even half an ear and eye on global news would know the same or similar criticisms of the younger generations everywhere are being made.  Sure, the extent of it may be worse here but the existence of it, no.

That is absolutely true, however, there is a level of degree.   Given the topic was education in the Philippines, I would submit that the Philippines is significantly worse (with a capitol S and W) than most any country we could compare it to.   I have relatives and grand kids in school in the US and their parents do not let them become addicted to their gadgets.   This is also a growing concern in most civilized countries and many parents are cracking down.   They are not Dinosaurs, they are concerned responsible parents.  When I mentioned bad parenting in a previous comment, I was referring to the parents that allow their toddlers/pre-teens to use their gadgets so they do not have to "parent".   What makes it worse is when the parents sit around doing the exact same thing.

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2 hours ago, hk blues said:

Finally, don't you recognise that the exact same comments were being made by your father about your generation, his father about his generation and so on ad infinitum

Also true, but, and this is a BIG BUT, that was long before internet and social media.  Will mankind (society) finally catch up to the monsters we are creating?  I hope so, but until that time, it is going to take responsible individuals with foresight and empathy (dinosaurs) to help steer the ship.   These are all good discussions, and I really do enjoy reading other peoples opinions.   Any sarcasm that comes out of my mouth is nothing more than the locker-room jock in me, and shouldnt be mistaken for dismissing what others think. 

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hk blues
5 minutes ago, craftbeerlover said:

That is absolutely true, however, there is a level of degree.   Given the topic was education in the Philippines, I would submit that the Philippines is significantly worse (with a capitol S and W) than most any country we could compare it to.   I have relatives and grand kids in school in the US and their parents do not let them become addicted to their gadgets.   This is also a growing concern in most civilized countries and many parents are cracking down.   They are not Dinosaurs, they are concerned responsible parents.  When I mentioned bad parenting in a previous comment, I was referring to the parents that allow their toddlers/pre-teens to use their gadgets so they do not have to "parent".   What makes it worse is when the parents sit around doing the exact same thing.

I don't disagree with much of that.

Everything in moderation. 



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hk blues
5 minutes ago, craftbeerlover said:

Also true, but, and this is a BIG BUT, that was long before internet and social media.  Will mankind (society) finally catch up to the monsters we are creating?  I hope so, but until that time, it is going to take responsible individuals with foresight and empathy (dinosaurs) to help steer the ship.   These are all good discussions, and I really do enjoy reading other peoples opinions.   Any sarcasm that comes out of my mouth is nothing more than the locker-room jock in me, and shouldnt be mistaken for dismissing what others think. 

Last things first - I appreciate your discussion style and posts and have never taken any of your comments as anything other than in the spirit they are intended.

I hate to repeat myself but honestly speaking you're really just going down the same road as your father, his father and his father's father i.e. questioning the way society is headed and believing that things were better back in the day.  Hell, didn't they say Rock Music was the work of the devil back in the 1950s?

I totally agree that responsible individuals with foresight and empathy have a role to play in shaping modern society but I haven't seen much evidence of foresight and empathy on this thread - present company excepted, of course! 

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Having been the vice president of a parents teachers association at a private school I think the best you can hope for is to strike lucky in the school your kid gets but be prepared to check everything, see where the weaknesses are and either fill in the gaps or find a tutor who will give additional lessons. 

I'm old school also and believe a child should be able to use its brain first before relying on technology. It's a common theme here saying commonsense isn't common and I firmly believe it's due to people relying on others or taking the easy route. 

I'm slowly becoming one of those dinosaurs that could turn my hand to anything and has a decent grasp on most subjects but I can remember many times when my peers passed away thinking how much knowledge has just died. The youth sadly rely on technology and the web which is full of so much fake news and information it's scary. I regularly have debates with people who quote their evidence from a media outlet yet when I show them the source data it's completely different. 

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Tommy T.
4 hours ago, Snowy79 said:

The youth sadly rely on technology and the web which is full of so much fake news and information it's scary. I regularly have debates with people who quote their evidence from a media outlet yet when I show them the source data it's completely different. 

But you know it's the truth if you read it on FaceBook!

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Tommy T.
Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, Lee said:

Geography ????? I have seen students that couldn't look at a map----any map---and know which direction E, W, S, or N was.

L does not know North South East and West. I have tried to teach her, but it just does not stick since she really has no interest. She has a masters degree here now. She cannot follow Google Maps when I have shown her how to use it to see where we are. Yet she can draw a simple map of, say, a local neighbourhood area and how to get to some location there. I gave her a world globe a few years ago and it is still in the box. She is quite smart - can speak 6 Filipino dialects plus English well...just no interest or learning about much outside of the P.I.

What is really sad to me is seeing toddlers, barely able to walk, but already with toy cell phones so they can emulate their parents and other relatives.

Having said that, when I was young (the earth was still cooling), my parents would let me watch TV, but only for a limited time daily. This seemed wise to have that time limit in retrospect. Otherwise, I read books - many many books. L has no interest in books, just FaceBook... 

Edited by Tommy T.
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hk blues
14 hours ago, Tommy T. said:

L does not know North South East and West.

It doesn't seem to have done her any harm t.b.f., Tommy.

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Education depends on the parents at an early age but it can be a pain at times. When one of my daughters was 4 I was outside explaining the sun rising in the east and how she could determine direction from that simple fact. But then she noticed clouds and wanted to know where they came from, why are some white and some grey. How does water get up there, why aren't clouds lower, who said it's 6.5 degrees cooler every 1000 meters up? and on and on....

I am fortunate I was capable of explaining but that is because I was lucky to be born where a quality education was provided and required. Of course a lot has to do with government and society expectations. As an extreme example; Cuba has one of the highest literacy rates in the world but education is not a choice. The kids get up in the morning and go to class if they don't like to do so they are put in a camp and marched to class every day.

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On 6/27/2024 at 11:11 AM, craftbeerlover said:

WOW, it is still being taught in the USA, and I bet in China, Korea and Japan as well.     Maybe Australia is using the Filipino model for an education system. 

It's not that maths isn't taught, it's that students are 'streamed' with those showing some talent for maths given further education and those showing little interest and talent being moved to classes covering other topics.

The arguments for doing so are various but a bit long winded to go into detail here.

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