First Impression!

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hk blues
2 hours ago, Gutenberg said:

Just these small differences: A thumbs up after the selfie picture is completed by the IO while in Thailand I stood there 100s of times looking into the cam forever like an idiot. Or the security guy letting me skip the line because I had issues with the eTravel thing (it started updatng right at the moment I was infront of the IO) and had to re-register.

I have encountered 'unpleasant' people already, but it's not that it bothers me a lot. Like the Cialis/Viagra pusher guy or child beggar family. However, I might add, I am pretty tall/big and smile/laugh a lot and I have seen how smaller White guys are getting 'harassed' (on youtube, that is) and so far, these situations didn't 'evolve'.

However, I have written it somewhere else, in 8 years of Thailand I have been through a lot of encounters, including a gun pointed in my direction, being robbed at the ATM by ladyboys, and so on, so I am kinda experienced to handle situations, and yes, I am getting wiser as I age :laugh:

Get back to us after you've been here 8 years after which you'll be better placed to make a fair comparison. You're still in the honeymoon period!

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hk blues
2 hours ago, Gutenberg said:


Thanks! Yeah, I made some 'social misstep' already because of the language differences! Me being German and not used to the American "ma'am / sir" I asked some staff naively why they are calling for "mom" out loudly. Hahaha, I didn't understand that they mean "ma'am"! Everybody around (a handful of people) laughed except the guy I asked... :unsure:

This type of interaction is exactly what I meant earlier when I said the mood can change in the blink of an eye if they think you're taking the piss. The guy possibly felt you were making fun of his English pronunciation and thus making him lose face in front of others.  You've been in Asia long enough to know how much of a no no that is. In another settings that could have led to more than just an irritated member of staff.

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1 minute ago, hk blues said:

This type of interaction is exactly what I meant earlier when I said the mood can change in the blink of an eye if they think you're taking the piss. The guy possibly felt you were making fun of his English pronunciation and thus making him lose face in front of others.  You've been in Asia long enough to know how much of a no no that is. In another settings that could have led to more than just an irritated member of staff.

Yep, exactly. As I said, naively, after 15h in 3 different airplanes!

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On 6/21/2024 at 12:54 AM, Gutenberg said:

In Thailand you can feel the hate already at that point.


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On 6/22/2024 at 7:42 PM, Gutenberg said:

being robbed at the ATM by ladyboys, and so on, so I am kinda experienced to handle situations, and yes, I am getting wiser as I age :laugh:

Chicks with Sticks....:shades:

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Man, I can't get out of the jet lag!

It's killing me. Today I went to sleep at 5 am... slept 2h and can't sleep anymore (now 11am).

Yesterday same Spiel.

I can't even enjoy anything. I am just laying on the couch an watching all times classic. Water World. Yeah.


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Guy F.
9 hours ago, Gutenberg said:

Man, I can't get out of the jet lag!

It's killing me. Today I went to sleep at 5 am... slept 2h and can't sleep anymore (now 11am).

Yesterday same Spiel.

I can't even enjoy anything. I am just laying on the couch an watching all times classic. Water World. Yeah.


Ambien is the key to overcoming jet lag. One 5mg pill = guaranteed 2 hours of sleep.

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1 hour ago, Guy F. said:

Ambien is the key to overcoming jet lag. One 5mg pill = guaranteed 2 hours of sleep

Many doctors will not prescribe this in the states anymore as it is very addictive and dangerous.

Halcion is a better replacement but still addictive, best not to use it more than 2 consecutive days.

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Guy F.
Posted (edited)

I guess my doc at the VA must have been feeling generous.

I have considerable experience with addictive substances, and I wouldn't say that Ambien is physically addictive. No buzz or pleasure or "the horrible want-mores", just sleep.

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6 hours ago, Guy F. said:

Ambien is the key to overcoming jet lag. One 5mg pill = guaranteed 2 hours of sleep.

I tried 9mg Melatonin now. Well, 3 am, good morning! :laugh:

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