It’s confirmed: Chinese woman Guo Hua Ping is Mayor Alice Guo

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Seems like to me some vetting should have caught this when she applied to run in the mayoral elections.

It’s confirmed: Chinese woman Guo Hua Ping is Mayor Alice Guo (



MANILA, Philippines — Bamban Mayor Alice Guo’s fingerprints matched with Chinese woman Guo Hua Ping, Senator Risa Hontiveros said on Thursday.

In a statement, Hontiveros said the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) has confirmed that Mayor Guo and Guo Hua Ping’s fingerprints have matched.

“It means, they are the fingerprints of one and the same person. This confirms what I have suspected all along. Mayor Alice is a fake Filipino — or should I say, Guo Hua Ping. She is a Chinese national masquerading as [a] Filipino citizen to facilitate crimes being committed by [Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators],” Hontiveros said.

According to Hontiveros, this revelation is a great insult not only to voters in Bamban, but also to the Philippine government.

“This is a very strong evidence to remove Mayor Alice from public office,” she added in Filipino.


It’s confirmed: Chinese woman Guo Hua Ping is Mayor Alice Guo

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scott h

If, after all this hoopla, it turns out not to be a case of identity theft and sleeper agents and dark web conspiracies, there will be a lot of egg on a lot of faces.

But probably not :hystery:


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Now the question is how many more of these are there. And knowing China there will be a lot already. 

China,  the country where truth is a strange alien concept. After having worked there for 7 years, I learnt over time, that lies come extremely naturally to them. 

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45 minutes ago, Freebie said:

Now the question is how many more of these are there. And knowing China there will be a lot already. 

Probably not too many as it's easier to buy proxies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

She is gone, never to be seen again.   I cant imagine the difficulty she must have experienced to evade the long arm of the law here, she must be some kind of genius escape artist. 

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Mike J
17 hours ago, craftbeerlover said:

She is gone, never to be seen again.   I cant imagine the difficulty she must have experienced to evade the long arm of the law here, she must be some kind of genius escape artist. 

She has disappeared?  Source if true?

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16 minutes ago, Mike J said:

She has disappeared?  Source if true?

Just my opinion... seems they have been slow rolling this for quite sometime.  They had ample evidence to arrest her long ago, especially after the fingerprints proved she was a chinese national.  Hasn't been seen for weeks.   How is it even fathomable that she was not considered a flight risk and at a minimum be placed under surveillance and ordered not to leave the country.   As always, I just shake my head.    I could be wrong but I am betting she either left already or is in the process of leaving (I do hope I am wrong)

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Mike J
21 minutes ago, craftbeerlover said:

Just my opinion... seems they have been slow rolling this for quite sometime.  They had ample evidence to arrest her long ago, especially after the fingerprints proved she was a chinese national.  Hasn't been seen for weeks.   How is it even fathomable that she was not considered a flight risk and at a minimum be placed under surveillance and ordered not to leave the country.   As always, I just shake my head.    I could be wrong but I am betting she either left already or is in the process of leaving (I do hope I am wrong)

Source Philippines — Suspended Bamban Mayor,Stephen David said on Tuesday.

Here is what her attorney says.  I suppose he could be lying. 


MANILA, Philippines — Suspended Bamban Mayor Alice Guo is still in the Philippines, her legal counsel Stephen David said on Tuesday.

<end snip>

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21 minutes ago, Mike J said:

Source Philippines — Suspended Bamban Mayor,Stephen David said on Tuesday.

Here is what her attorney says.  I suppose he could be lying. 


MANILA, Philippines — Suspended Bamban Mayor Alice Guo is still in the Philippines, her legal counsel Stephen David said on Tuesday.

<end snip>

I read that as well.  She hasn't been seen in weeks...  We shall see.  Hoping the Government gets to the bottom of this mess.   One of the POGO's 'hiding' areas is only 3 minutes from where I live.  I past by two days ago, and there was a TV 5 van outside of the subdivision, with police car's inside.   However, they never seem to catch the suspects they are always after.  All the Filipinos I talk to here say the same things, and as one may expect, the comments about the chinese are not very favorable.  They also fully understand, all the criminal activity could not have happened without the help of their fellow countrymen.

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scott h
42 minutes ago, craftbeerlover said:

ordered not to leave the country.

If memory serves they did put a hold on her leaving the country last week.

43 minutes ago, craftbeerlover said:

They had ample evidence to arrest her long ago, especially after the fingerprints proved she was a chinese national. 

Or this is a huge "wag the dog" scenario. I am not surprised that she has dodged the senate hearings, all it would be is political grandstanding by the questioners. As to evidence, I admit that I am jaded when it comes to Goverment agencies. When it seems like a lot of the high profile murders are done by cops, Immigration officials take money at the airport to let illegals in, customs officials getting nabbed for abetting smugglers all the way down to the LTO taking the driving test for people (as attested to here on the forum) It would not suprise me in the least if down the road we learn that the birth certificate was manipulated or the NBI faked the fingerprints...sad state of affairs eh?

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