13A stamp transfer at Cebu BI

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3 hours ago, Lee said:


Made me wonder if the guy had refused to pay the fee would the agent have simply pushed his paperwork to the side and then tell him to come back tomorrow? 

Who knows.


100% they would. Most of that fee is paid to them as overtime pay.

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hk blues
3 hours ago, Lee said:

A conversation overheard while at my local BI yesterday.

An ex-pat (a German I believe) asked one of the agents about a 500 PhP fee that was on his receipt.

The agent asked him "would you like your paperwork completed today?"

The ex pat stated that yes, he would.

The agent said that 500 PhP express fee charge ensures that this will get done.

Made me wonder if the guy had refused to pay the fee would the agent have simply pushed his paperwork to the side and then tell him to come back tomorrow? 

Who knows.



Much more likely they would have made him wait 2-3 days to ensure he paid the 500php next time!

Here in Iloilo we are not given the choice - it's added by default and I doubt it can be removed on request.  


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