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So the bad side of the family is at it once more. Second time this group used a corrupt judge and attorney to modify a jointly owned land title. These were the "grave robber" group of cousins I mentioned several years ago. 

Land theft has been a regular feature of our extended family. This is the fourth time land jointly owned by numerous family members was stolen on Cebu and Southern Leyte. I don't know or care about the details best I just stay out of it. Wife is PISSED OFF how can such a small lady yell so loud into a phone. Can you break an iPhone by loudly shouting into it?

Lot's of hard feelings. This is the kinda thing we read about in the paper someone gets hacked to death the perp scampers off never to be seen again.

Any other members have family drama like this?

Edited by Old55
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2 hours ago, Old55 said:

So the bad side of the family is at it once more. Second time this group used a corrupt judge and attorney to modify a jointly owned land title. These were the "grave robber" group of cousins I mentioned several years ago. 

Land theft has been a regular feature of our extended family. This is the fourth time land jointly owned by numerous family members was stolen on Cebu and Southern Leyte. I don't know or care about the details best I just stay out of it. Wife is PISSED OFF how can such a small lady yell so loud into a phone. Can you break an iPhone by loudly shouting into it?

Lot's of hard feelings. This is the kinda thing we read about in the paper someone gets hacked to death the perp scampers off never to be seen again.

Any other members have family drama like this?

Like you I try to stay out , but when I think they are picking on Emma that’s when I jump in , but I have noticed now the younger generation is starting to demand what they think is there’s or think is owed to them , end of the day it’s how they was brought up in my mind  

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For one property, there were at the beginning a total of 9 heirs.  After the demise of several and with their shares passing on to their children, the total on title has increased to 36 heirs.  The agreement is to sell and divide the proceeds after taxes and expenses.  Now, someone wants land instead of money which complicates the matter.

The settlement of my grandmother estates went all the way to the Philippine Supreme Court.  While the property sales are under the supervision of a lower court (a judge approves the transactions), the complication are rice fields which tenants have the right to purchase.  If they cannot afford to buy, after several years, you are permitted to sell to others.  To make my life simple, the two appointed trustees are instructed to deposit my share of the proceeds in a bank account.  I will check for new deposits from time to time, but this is going to be a slow process. 

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Mike J

My wife's parents both passed recently.  Each owned some property, the mother-in-laws on another island.  I told me wife she not get involved, just walk away.   We do not need more land, we are okay financially, and we sure as hell don't need the grief, anger, guilt tripping, etc. that has already begun.

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Dave Hounddriver
17 hours ago, Old55 said:

Any other members have family drama like this?

My first gf in the Phils was/is the niece of a lawyer who represented people who pulled off this kind of crap.  He got caught once.  He was "disbarred" for a year, which simply meant he worked from home for that year.  I never knew anyone who got their property back after his shenanigans.  I would be interested to hear from people who actually got compensated for their loss but often a foreigner is involved and blamed as they cannot own land anyway.

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1 hour ago, Dave Hounddriver said:

My first gf in the Phils was/is the niece of a lawyer who represented people who pulled off this kind of crap.  He got caught once.  He was "disbarred" for a year, which simply meant he worked from home for that year.  I never knew anyone who got their property back after his shenanigans.  I would be interested to hear from people who actually got compensated for their loss but often a foreigner is involved and blamed as they cannot own land anyway.

yes it is possible, I was scammed and a few weeks ago finally received compensation.  Without going into details took 6 years, could of been faster but I not rush it. Two cases.

My rule is stay out of family disputes regardless of funds involved, stay away just not worth the grief.

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Tommy T.

I will just say this:

Greed seems to be the primary thought or movement here in Philippines, sadly. Those few who have verses those many who have not. Until or unless that changes, I believe there will be much unrest. I see it on the international news, and within L's family.


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I agree Tommy. Greed and sometimes desperation. 

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scott h
1 hour ago, Tommy T. said:

Greed seems to be the primary thought or movement here in Philippines, sadly

The motto seems to be........"Whats mine is mine,,,,,,,,whats yours is mine" :whistling:

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hk blues
33 minutes ago, Old55 said:

I agree Tommy. Greed and sometimes desperation. 

Perhaps more of the desperation than the greed for many here.

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