Tipping Gone Mad

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1 hour ago, scott h said:

So that might be part of the reason I am a pretty heavy tipper to this day.

Best tippers are those in the service industry or have worked in the service industry.  Worse are lawyers.  They are accustomed to taking, rather than giving.  Banquet hires, those contracted to work for a special event, are known to refuse to serve lawyers' meetings & convention unless the organizer guarantees a minimum amount of gratuity.  

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Mike J
1 hour ago, scott h said:

When we go out nowadays here I check the bill, and if there is a service charge on the bill, I still tip, but not as much.

We do the same and discretely hand it to the waitress/waiter to make it sure it gets to the workers.

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Tommy T.

I worked as a taxi driver for a while many years ago. Most often, riders didn't tip. Sometimes  a few would give me tips and even more rarely, big tips. I treated all customers the same, regardless of tip or not. So, since then, I usually tip servers or taxi drivers or anyone, unless there is a fee included on an invoice. Sorry, then there is no tip. I agree, it seems to be getting out of hand, at least in USA.

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hk blues
15 hours ago, jimeve said:

Spoken like a true Scotsman.:cheersty:

And again...



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The USA has become more like an extortion and shame system, rather than tipping as it was intended. And now with both parties offering to not tax tips. Some of these poor tipped workers, will be making more than other folks that work a 9-5, and income will be tax free.

It's a dumb system

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10 hours ago, JJReyes said:

Both political parties are making an election year promise.  Probably nothing much will happen.  But it's worth keeping an eye on the legislative language if proposed.  Who is entitled to tax-free tips must be carefully defined.  A lawyer may end up telling his client, "Don't pay my fees, just send a generous, tax-free tip."

No tax on tips is just attempted vote buying and this time around both parties are participating.  Similar to college loan forgiveness.

If income is going to be taxed it should be in a fair way.  Even when I was a young leftie I thought not taxing tips was unfair to those of us who work at regular jobs and pay taxes on all our income.


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scott h
5 minutes ago, OnMyWay said:

No tax on tips is just attempted vote buying

Especially at the national level. 

6 minutes ago, OnMyWay said:

not taxing tips was unfair

IMO, back in the day, when you were a long hair, dope smoking, lefty liberal, hippy, no good whipper snapper (just teasing, I think we all went through that stage lol) pretty much the only place that I remember tips being given on a regular basis by my Dad was at restaurants, where with a wink and a nod they were exempt from minimum wage guidelines because everyone "knew" they got tips. It was still that way in the '70s when I was a busboy. BUT NOW! there is a tip jar everyplace you look.

I wonder if it started when 7-11 and places like that put out a tray where customers would leave unwanted pennies. Remember that? Short a penny or two, you grab them. Receive 3 cents in change, drop them in the tray. After a while I started noticing nickels and dimes also. Someone finally might have gotten smart, (or greedy) and started pocketing it. :89:

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hk blues
11 hours ago, Gator said:

The last I expected I see a tip jar …… on the counter at a US Post Office!

Just went in to send a package from a small local post office and sure a s**t there was tip jar! I felt compelled to leave a tip as I was afraid the guy behind the counter would go postal on me 🤣


This type of thing should be stamped out. :hystery:

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