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911 2.jfif

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scott h

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I was sitting in my sala in my house in Angeles City, watching the horrifying events unfold on live TV. 

Must go down as one of the most evil crimes in recent history.  

May all those innocent souls rest in peace. 

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Mike J
17 hours ago, stevewool said:

That was a day you will always remember where and what you was doing 

I was at work early, so was by myself, when the news came over the radio.  I was scheduled to fly out the next day.  If 9/11 had been 9/12 my flight would have been forced to land somewhere in the eastern Montana area when all flights were grounded.  I guess I would have had to rent a car or take a bus to get back home as my business seminar was cancelled of course.

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I was on leave to get a divorce no less.   Was stationed just outside of DC; got the divorce but couldnt fly back for about a week or so.   Remember driving to the courthouse with the radio on thinking, WTF is going on.  Knew I had to get back quick, thinking I was going to be recalled off of leave.   I went to the Pentagon about a week after returning, and it was chilling walking through the charred halls.   Never Forget!

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I was working in San Francisco financial district and took the trains to work usually.  Several early bird coworkers and I were on the last leg, on the tram.  The VP of our group was sitting with us, and he always listened to the radio on headphones on the train.  All of a sudden he startled us "Quiet, quiet!" while holding up his hand.  Then he said "A plane hit the twin towers in New York" and we all were aghast.  We got off the tram and walked to our tall building, and I think we got there about the time the second tower was hit.  The building was 50+ stories and I think we were on 42.  We had fantastic 360 views and were early arrivals, so we could walk all over the floor while we heard reports of many hijackings.  It was a nervous hour of two before they sent us home.  We did not know if SF would be hit next.

Never forget and may God bless those who lost their lives to such evil.

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Posted (edited)

I was working my regular shift on patrol at the time and less than an hour from Washington DC.  While on a call for service at a business a  neighbor walked in and said a plane had hit the twin tower.  I was thinking just a small plane and not a big deal or this neighbor, who I knew was just making a big deal.  As I was finishing gathering information for my report, the neighbor rushes in and said a second plane had just hit the other tower.  The complainant and I decided to turn on his TV and see if this was all true.  We were shocked.  Over the next hour I had four calls from friends, who are avid hunters asking if it would be okay to carry their rifles in their vehicles in case of attack.  At this point there were still several planes in the sky unaccounted for.  Knowing these guys very well and with much trust, I I told each of them it may not be a bad idea until we know the full extent of what is really going on around us.  I drove around the rest of that shift with a large lump in my stomach and more keen than ever before.  Checking the schools and large shopping areas.  An evil time for sure.  May we never forget those who were lost and all those who gave their all to help.

Edited by intrepid
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Posted (edited)

I had just returned from a coup prone country and was visiting my mother who I hadn't seen in 5 years. I went downstairs to get coffee to find her and some Jehovah Witness mission ladies staring at the TV. My mom occasionally invited them in to chat even though she had no intention of converting she just enjoyed the company. They were all aghast and my mom asked me what I thought was going on. I told her terror attack likely from Bin Laden group and reminded her my brother's SAC at NCIS tracked them and knew they were determined as he investigated the USS Cole incident. She asked what I was going to do and I jokingly said 'Maybe go back to that country I just came from"

I did go back to work but flying was major PIA. I was ALWAYS stopped at the counter and asked questions because my ticket was one way and had been bought less than 48 hours before my flight. That it was a US government agency that bought my ticket didn't seem to make a difference.  it was worse than the Covid restrictions.

Of course things eventually got better though they will never be as they were before but some sanity eventually returns for most people though grudges remain. I remember my parents going to visit my brother at Camp Smith near Pearl Harbor in Hawaii in the 80's. They were really offended there were Japanese allowed in Hawaii. :rolleyes:

Edited by Possum
info correction
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