911 Remembrance

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It was a beautiful late summer Tuesday morning and I was at the last exit before the toll to go over the George Washington Bridge to go into Manhattan to work when they closed all bridges and tunnels to NY. I was working for ABC News so I knew I had to try to get in there. Couldn't see the towers because there were buildings blocking it but heard crazy stuff over the news. Nobody knew what was happening but sirens everywhere. Thought about it for a couple of min and just got the hell out of there as my boss was paging (remember those?) saying don't try. Took me hours to get home. A couple days later I went in to start working rotating 12 hr shifts. We were on the upper west side about 4-5 miles from the site but this burning electric smell was in the air for a week. And a cloud of dust from the towers that actually looked like a cloud hung over lower Manhattan for days. Saw those buildings every day for years and in a few minutes gone forever. Unimaginable.

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