Minor Annoyances #3

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hk blues
17 hours ago, Snowy79 said:

As a member of the master race I've always classed being left handed as corrie fisted. 

Despite both being Jocks, I had never heard that one until yesterday.  

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10 hours ago, Tommy T. said:

Then there's the habit I notice of getting a mouthful of food and talking through it. I often have to ask L to repeat something she said because I couldn't understand it through her food. Of course, I don't tell her the reason, but just "could you please repeat that Honey?"

Actually that seems to be common in the many Pacific islands I have visited.. talking with a mouthful of food... Hey... even my ex-mother-in-law did that and my ex and I both commented to each other about that.... So I guess it may be a new way to communicate?


9 hours ago, scott h said:

Don't feel like the Lone Ranger. Has always driven me batty. My mother would have a conniption fit here. So, for 30 years I have made an exaggerated show of chewing and swallowing before answering a question during a meal, hoping to make a point............no luck so far.

Another thing my Nan used to whack us for that I forgot.

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That mouth full of food talking drives me nuts. I learned early on no one wants to see your food being chopped up while listening to you. In China I felt like I needed a face shield at times. This behavior was pounded into me at a young age. My grandmother was big on patting your lips with a napkin before drinking from a glass. After I was an adult I had to attend further how to eat classes before going to formal state dinners. The instructor wasn't as charming as my relatives. First were 'how to sit in a chair' class. The actual eating class began with something like, I'm here to teach you animals how to eat in a way that will not embarrass your country and give away your IQ . Some of that stuff stuck with me as I occasionally will look for something to pat my lips dry before drinking out of one of those red plastic cups. Then just to annoy my wife I'll use my shirt sleeve.

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Mike J

My wife eats with her mouth closed.  If she asks me question and I am eating, she knows there won't be an answer until the food is properly chewed and swallowed.  I did not just get lucky.  Eating habits are very important to me and we had quite a few meals prior to my asking her if she would be my wife.  

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Furniture Rearrangement Habits: AM has a peculiar habit of periodically rearranging the furniture. This isn't a complete reorganisation, but rather a sporadic urge to move random pieces around every few weeks. Interestingly, AM tends to place the furniture in more inconvenient and illogical positions. This penchant for rearranging has led to numerous instances of stubbed toes during nighttime bathroom runs.  

Ergonomically Challenged: The above also applies to other things, such as storage bins on shelves, the kitchen step stool for reaching higher shelves, and so on. She'll put the regularly used storage containers at the bottom of the pile, a bag of rice will end up on top of the kitchen step stool, something will be stored on top of a regularly used item, or a regularly used item will be moved from a convenient spot to one where things have to be moved to access it etc. :571c66d400c8c_1(103):

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Tommy T.
31 minutes ago, BrettGC said:

Furniture Rearrangement Habits: AM has a peculiar habit of periodically rearranging the furniture. This isn't a complete reorganisation, but rather a sporadic urge to move random pieces around every few weeks. Interestingly, AM tends to place the furniture in more inconvenient and illogical positions. This penchant for rearranging has led to numerous instances of stubbed toes during nighttime bathroom runs.  

Ergonomically Challenged: The above also applies to other things, such as storage bins on shelves, the kitchen step stool for reaching higher shelves, and so on. She'll put the regularly used storage containers at the bottom of the pile, a bag of rice will end up on top of the kitchen step stool, something will be stored on top of a regularly used item, or a regularly used item will be moved from a convenient spot to one where things have to be moved to access it etc. :571c66d400c8c_1(103):

Now you got me started.... Since travelling and living on a yacht for over 20 years, my ex and I were very exacting about where and how things were stored. You don't want to be searching for a utensil or anything while hanging on with both hands and feet to stabilize yourself in 8 foot seas and 20 knots of wind. So everything had its place.

Well, I have mostly kept up with that habit and store various kitchen items in specific places. L somehow does not get this, but she is close. We have had her family members here as guests or to work from time to time and after they leave, it is like an Easter Egg hunt! Sometimes things that disappeared won't reappear until days or even weeks later when I happen to open a drawer or cupboard and, voila!, there is the knife or whatever that I was looking for some time ago.

Perhaps I am a bit anally retentive? But I prefer to have things organized so I can just go to a location and know that whatever I am seeking is right at hand and not having to search high and low (mostly low since she is short) for stuff.

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6 minutes ago, Tommy T. said:

Now you got me started.... Since travelling and living on a yacht for over 20 years, my ex and I were very exacting about where and how things were stored. You don't want to be searching for a utensil or anything while hanging on with both hands and feet to stabilize yourself in 8 foot seas and 20 knots of wind. So everything had its place.

Well, I have mostly kept up with that habit and store various kitchen items in specific places. L somehow does not get this, but she is close. We have had her family members here as guests or to work from time to time and after they leave, it is like an Easter Egg hunt! Sometimes things that disappeared won't reappear until days or even weeks later when I happen to open a drawer or cupboard and, voila!, there is the knife or whatever that I was looking for some time ago.

Perhaps I am a bit anally retentive? But I prefer to have things organized so I can just go to a location and know that whatever I am seeking is right at hand and not having to search high and low (mostly low since she is short) for stuff.

I think my time in the navy - especially submarines where space is at a premium, but also on ships - has caused me to be a little bit over the top in some respects with regards to ergonomics/convenience of use.  I've mellowed a lot since leaving the service but the precepts still stick with me as they make sense in every day life as well.  Anal retentive?  I don't think either of us are.  We've just learnt that it's the "little" things that can make life easier.  

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5 hours ago, BrettGC said:

Furniture Rearrangement Habits: AM has a peculiar habit of periodically rearranging the furniture. This isn't a complete reorganisation, but rather a sporadic urge to move random pieces around every few weeks. Interestingly, AM tends to place the furniture in more inconvenient and illogical positions. This penchant for rearranging has led to numerous instances of stubbed toes during nighttime bathroom runs.  

Ergonomically Challenged: The above also applies to other things, such as storage bins on shelves, the kitchen step stool for reaching higher shelves, and so on. She'll put the regularly used storage containers at the bottom of the pile, a bag of rice will end up on top of the kitchen step stool, something will be stored on top of a regularly used item, or a regularly used item will be moved from a convenient spot to one where things have to be moved to access it etc. :571c66d400c8c_1(103):

I have learned that finding food in the pantry is something that has to be relearned about every two months. I've gotten used to that. However, I will likely never get used to unrelated things being stored in unmarked boxes shoved on a shelf or in a drawer. On occasion I'll open one and start sorting with a trash bin nearby, I've learned to do this when she is away. Clothes that the kids have outgrown but are perfectly fine she bags up to give away and shoves them under a bed where they are forgotten. When questioned she said they are for some little kids she knows that used to come by our house and do chores but I haven't seen those guys in 3 years. I'll sneak the bag out of the house and take to a church when I have an opening.

Living here reminds me of living with my parents who were children of the depression and loathe to discard anything because...you never know..

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Tommy T.

There used to be a TV show about hoarding a year or two ago...scary images and stories about very sad people...


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hk blues
8 hours ago, Mike J said:

My wife eats with her mouth closed. 

How does she get the food in? :hystery:

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