Study Links Excessive Internet Use To Depression

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A new study links excessive internet use with depression. However, they haven't decided if excessive usage causes depression or if depressed people are more likely to use the Internet excessively. from Leeds University found what they said was "striking" evidence that some avid net users develop compulsive Internet habits in which they replace real-life social interaction with online chat rooms and social networking sites."This study reinforces the public speculation that over-engaging in websites that serve to replace normal social function might be linked to psychological disorders like depression and addiction," the study's lead author, Catriona Morrison, wrote in the journal Psychopathology."This type of addictive surfing can have a serious impact on mental health."Personally, I'm much happier since I've started arguing with people online rather than in real life. That is what is great about forums. If you're having a bad day, you can go online, rip into someone, and call them names and feel a lot better afterward. MSNBC also had this article.... researchers need to get together and compare notes. Maybe the drop in child abuse is because parents kick the crap out of someone online and leave their kids alone. In the case of pedophiles, maybe they get their jollies online these days so no need to hang out at the park or mall looking for kiddies.

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