Dating In The Philippines

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Thank you all for your advice and encouragement. Two more sleeps and I'm on the plane. I've been chatting online with a few girls in the PI. I may meet one or more of them and I may not. I'm not in a big hurry to do anything when I get there. I want to travel a bit and see Cebu and Baguio and Apo Island and Siquijor and Leyte , the Camotes, Palawan, and lots of other places too, but I will eventually stop somewhere. Some of the gals I have chatted with have offered to meet me at the airport and show me around and introduce me to their families.I think that is very nice and i appreciate that but i have respectfully declined. I would rather make a soft landing and fly under the radar for a while until I get a grasp of the society and culture. And I will definitely stick to public places until I can sense someone's "vibes". Many of the girls I have chatted and emailed with want to get married and want to know if i am looking for a wife. I tell them I MIGHT be looking for a GIRLFRIEND. Maybe. If i met the right lady, maybe. For me, the girlfriend part has to come first. I could not even consider getting married to someone that I haven't know really well for six months or a year. Some of the girls seem surprised by that. Some think that a month or two is plenty of time to get to know someone well enough to get married. And I understand about marrying the old rich white guy thing. So my next question is: If you go out with a gal for a month or two are you expected to marry her? What is the norm in the PI ? Is there a lot of pressure to get married? If so, maybe I will just stick to the traveling part and leave the girls alone. Any enlightenment would be appreciated.

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"just stick to the traveling part and leave the girls alone" When you stop traveling, just have a maid come in twice a week to cook and clean. No sleep overs. Keep your life simple..

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"just stick to the traveling part and leave the girls alone" When you stop traveling, just have a maid come in twice a week to cook and clean. No sleep overs. Keep your life simple..
I think once Lou is on the ground everything else will fall into place,no matter what advice is given once hit by cupids arrow then everything else goes out the window.SugarwareZ-225.gif
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"just stick to the traveling part and leave the girls alone" When you stop traveling, just have a maid come in twice a week to cook and clean. No sleep overs. Keep your life simple..
I think once Lou is on the ground everything else will fall into place,no matter what advice is given once hit by cupids arrow then everything else goes out the window.SugarwareZ-225.gif
Just be careful Lou, the more the temptation, the greater the chances to complicate your travel plans and enjoyment, unless you can afford a traveling companion who isn't a gold digger or want to pressure you into marriage! Everyone here all have their fingers crossed for you! Good luck and enjoy your time in the Philippines!:thumbs-up-smile:
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