Ecc & Acr Card

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Dear all,with great interest I was following the closed thread about the (new) ACR card for tourists. Yes, it's important whether you have to pay US$ 50 only once/year or every time you re-enter the Phils after less than 59-days.But what about this idiotic (sorry!) Exit Clearance Certificate? With your (tourist-) ACR card, you will still need this to leave?? and WHY? (I know one should never ask "why" in this country), but anyway....any experiences anybody?Patsada

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IMHO, it's just another ploy and or everything else for any reasons or purposes in order for the Philippine Government to generate revenue! It's just all about greed! When our BB stamp has elapsed after 12 months, we reverted back to tourist status. So, whenever we go over 6 or 16 months of extensions, we always have to get an "Exit Clearance Certificate" just to leave the Philippines! Not much anyone can do about it, it's their immigration policy and that also includes millions of Filipino nationals and or OFWs working or just vacationing in their home country! The more the people traveling in and out of the Philippines, the more money the Philippine government will generate! We all just have to wait and see if the Philippine's new President will make any new policy changes or revisions concerning immigration procedures and their fees any time soon in the near future or in our lifetime.

Edited by MrBBtheFilAm
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