How do you handle your cash

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Carry what is needed and if confronted give them the cash. need to act all macho and tough for 200 dollars. My life is worth more then a few dollars. I consider my life still fun and pride can take a break as common sense prevails, and being born in raised in NYC, living there most my life....I have seen heads shot wide open for a 10 dollar hit of crack. Only an IDIOT would ....yes, a IDIOT....would confront anybody with guns for his money with some "stare". A few tricks are carry a wallet with a few thousand pesos to make them happy, and your actual cash, the pesos you will be using, stuffed up in your arse. Use the CR if you want to buy something.

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Mr Lee
Carry what is needed and if confronted give them the cash. need to act all macho and tough for 200 dollars. My life is worth more then a few dollars. I consider my life still fun and pride can take a break as common sense prevails, and being born in raised in NYC, living there most my life....I have seen heads shot wide open for a 10 dollar hit of crack. Only an IDIOT would ....yes, a IDIOT....would confront anybody with guns for his money with some "stare". A few tricks are carry a wallet with a few thousand pesos to make them happy, and your actual cash, the pesos you will be using, stuffed up in your arse. Use the CR if you want to buy something.
:) :morning1:  on the bold part. :morning1:  I have to agree with the first part, why take a chance of dying for a few dollars and IMO, people who do resist while in the Philippines would be fools most of the time because robbers run in packs and it is not always the guy with the gun you see who might kill you, it is the guy behind you or across from you who looks like he is not involved in the robbery and who might end up killing you if you get the better of his partner who is the one robbing you. It is different when there is just one guy trying to rob you and you have been trained in self defense and have full knowledge of all types of handguns and can see that the hammer is not cocked on say an older type of 1911 .45 or the safety is on and the robbers thumb is nowhere near it, so you know the gun cannot go off while in a struggle, or you look inside the cylinder or a revolver and see no bullets in the chambers next to the barrel and the hammer is not back cocked so you know you can take the gun away from them without getting yourself shot, but unless a person is trained in both firearms and self defense, then IMO give them the darn money and continue to live to enjoy your life. 
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No wallet for me!I carry my cash in front pockets which are zippered, velcro or buttoned. That way it is more obvious if some one is trying to pick my pockets.Large notes, P200 and above are kept separate to small notes, P100 and below.I usually only carry with me what I think I will need for the day. However, I have been stupid and carried a lot of cash on me. One time when I was making arrangements to buy a car, I had something like P200,000 on me, then went drinking in the bars with some of the members of this forum while my pockets were stuffed full.I can regularly be found with P40,000 on me though as I use HSBC for my withdrawals and HSBC dispenses P40,000 at a time. If I have some one with me, IE housemaid (in the past) or girlfriend, I will split the money or give it all to them to carry.Regards: Jim Sibbick
Maybe members should be a little careful about the personal info they put out on a forum. You never know who is taking note.bash.gif Hey I may be paranoid but that doesn't mean they are not out to get me 1%20(72).gif
Shhh.. im making notes here!
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You will rarely find me with more than P5,000 on me at any one time.. not because I am thrifty although there is generally I don't need more than that e.g. for me to have P5,000 I am going away for a weekend.. But as regards people carrying cash for buying vehicles you don't need to and Filipinos generally don't either what they do is transact inside the bank.. You get it out your account give it to the seller the seller then puts it in his bank account everyone is safe..We deal with a financial business which involves a lot of money moving around. Pay people in cheques in their name they can take it to the bank when they need it. This also reduces the risk of them being robbed never mind you being robbed as known as carrying cash.It's much better for people not to know or be aware of the things we as foreigners get upto. You never know who is likely to be a thief which is where the problems lie. As regards the piggery business get someone with a spreadsheet and get all expenses put onto it regardless how small! you can track every peso then and decide if its being done properly. Also people being aware you track everything reduces the risk of theft.

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Carry what is needed and if confronted give them the cash. need to act all macho and tough for 200 dollars. My life is worth more then a few dollars. I consider my life still fun and pride can take a break as common sense prevails, and being born in raised in NYC, living there most my life....I have seen heads shot wide open for a 10 dollar hit of crack. Only an IDIOT would ....yes, a IDIOT....would confront anybody with guns for his money with some "stare". A few tricks are carry a wallet with a few thousand pesos to make them happy, and your actual cash, the pesos you will be using, stuffed up in your arse. Use the CR if you want to buy something.
:) :lol: on the bold part. :lol: I have to agree with the first part, why take a chance of dying for a few dollars and IMO, people who do resist while in the Philippines would be fools most of the time because robbers run in packs and it is not always the guy with the gun you see who might kill you, it is the guy behind you or across from you who looks like he is not involved in the robbery and who might end up killing you if you get the better of his partner who is the one robbing you. It is different when there is just one guy trying to rob you and you have been trained in self defense and have full knowledge of all types of handguns and can see that the hammer is not cocked on say an older type of 1911 .45 or the safety is on and the robbers thumb is nowhere near it, so you know the gun cannot go off while in a struggle, or you look inside the cylinder or a revolver and see no bullets in the chambers next to the barrel and the hammer is not back cocked so you know you can take the gun away from them without getting yourself shot, but unless a person is trained in both firearms and self defense, then IMO give them the darn money and continue to live to enjoy your life.
Gotta disagree here Lee....I don't fight guns no matter how skilled I am for a few hundred dollars loss. We are not talking loved ones here, but some cash, and I don"t care if you were BJ Penn, Randy Couture or are going to lose against guns most of the time (unless you are that guy who can catch a shot bullet in his teeth), and a loss of life for 200 bucks is not a good trade off being I enjoy life. My advice if faced with guns and a wanting of your cash, and you DON'T want to give up your dough? Stare hard, and then Serpentine as you run away!
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Carry what is needed and if confronted give them the cash. need to act all macho and tough for 200 dollars. My life is worth more then a few dollars. I consider my life still fun and pride can take a break as common sense prevails, and being born in raised in NYC, living there most my life....I have seen heads shot wide open for a 10 dollar hit of crack. Only an IDIOT would ....yes, a IDIOT....would confront anybody with guns for his money with some "stare". A few tricks are carry a wallet with a few thousand pesos to make them happy, and your actual cash, the pesos you will be using, stuffed up in your arse. Use the CR if you want to buy something.
laugh.giflaugh.gif on the bold part. laugh.gif I have to agree with the first part, why take a chance of dying for a few dollars and IMO, people who do resist while in the Philippines would be fools most of the time because robbers run in packs and it is not always the guy with the gun you see who might kill you, it is the guy behind you or across from you who looks like he is not involved in the robbery and who might end up killing you if you get the better of his partner who is the one robbing you. It is different when there is just one guy trying to rob you and you have been trained in self defense and have full knowledge of all types of handguns and can see that the hammer is not cocked on say an older type of 1911 .45 or the safety is on and the robbers thumb is nowhere near it, so you know the gun cannot go off while in a struggle, or you look inside the cylinder or a revolver and see no bullets in the chambers next to the barrel and the hammer is not back cocked so you know you can take the gun away from them without getting yourself shot, but unless a person is trained in both firearms and self defense, then IMO give them the darn money and continue to live to enjoy your life.
Gotta disagree here Lee....I don't fight guns no matter how skilled I am for a few hundred dollars loss. We are not talking loved ones here, but some cash, and I don"t care if you were BJ Penn, Randy Couture or are going to lose against guns most of the time (unless you are that guy who can catch a shot bullet in his teeth), and a loss of life for 200 bucks is not a good trade off being I enjoy life. My advice if faced with guns and a wanting of your cash, and you DON'T want to give up your dough? Stare hard, and then Serpentine as you run away!
That video's hilarious! lmao.. I tried that in Thailand on Ko Phiphi. Passed out on a table outside a store, some locals had fun pooring beer on me. Too drunk to get up I let them get away with it a few times. Finally, I realized what was happening, calm and slowly gathered myself, walked up behind them at the next table and dumped a bottle of water on the one guy's head! lol... very stupid. They got up quickly to fight and I tried to drunkenly run/stumble away, but when I saw one of them cocking a beer bottle back to throw at me I "serpentined" and the bottle richocheted off my leg and smashed on the wall. lol... I put my hands up and walked back to talk about it, knowing I couldn't get away with legs. Maybe my mouth would work... but not like that! lol.. So the one guy wanted to fight but his two friends split it up. One friend told me to buy them 10 beers and all would be forgiven. I argued, "But he started it!" Then the other friend told me to just get out of there and I did. I walked cooly until my first turn... then ran! haha... Later I realized those guys were in the same group who I saw stomp and beat up a thai guy in the bathroom the night before at a club.
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I ware a belly bag around my waist and only carry loose old 20 peso bills and a pocket full of change, my driver's license with my current address, one ATM card with a minimum balance and a cheap P2,500 China brand Nokia cellphone! And we don't often ride jeepneys or tricycles! Taxis and buses, now and then at least 4 times a year on the average!

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