Never too late for these dropouts

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THEY LEFT school due largely to poverty. But deep in their hearts, although they are already adults (some are in their 50s), they still yearn to finish elementary or high school and earn a diploma.View the full article

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Mr Lee
THEY LEFT school due largely to poverty. But deep in their hearts, although they are already adults (some are in their 50s), they still yearn to finish elementary or high school and earn a diploma.View the full article
This is a good topic, does anyone know if there is a way for someone to finish high school on the island of Cebu? I have a niece who lives near Toledo and she is about 22 or 23 now and has asked me to find her an American because the guy she was yahooing with seems to have picked another lady in Cebu to marry, so my reply was that she really needs to finish high school or take classes to improve her English because most Americans and others from other countries who I have met, would only want a lady who can communicate well. Am I correct in my thoughts? 
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We wish all those adult students the very best in life. They certainly deserved a second chance. Most of them dropped out due to financial and family problems.The link below is a wonderful story about a Filipino gang member who turned hislife around. He was nominated 2009 CNN Hero of the Year:http://newsinfo.inqu...ero-of-the-yearRespectfully -- Jake

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