Breaking News - Tour Bus Held Hostage

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Overly simplistic views IMHO.Negotiations were going well (9 hostages released safely remember) so where was the justification for shooting him earlier? Then the brother does some grandstanding to the press (apparently whipping up feelings & interfering with negotiations) & suddenly all went pear shaped. Perhaps because (surprise surprise) they had radio & tv in the bus & heard the brother screaming to the media.
ANY time you have a hostage taker that has a gun (AK 47 I heard) take him out when you get a clear shot, and know he's the only taker, weapon of choice...all the circumstances.They did.It's swat action 101 to a hostage situation. 1%20%2872%29.gif
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Mr Lee

There is only one way to deal with an armed hostage taker.

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Hey man, nice shot!Of course we have different hostage takers....this guys profile said KILL him. ASAP!
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There is only one way to deal with an armed hostage taker.
:agree:As do any training dealing with this type of taker.
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Mr Lee

And when dealing with one leaving supposedly with a grenade, police show the world they will not tolerate this garbage. 

And yet another great head shot. there is no reasoning with crazy people and a person has to be crazy to take hostages. All one has to do is look at this situation in the OP, a former police officer taking tourist hostages, now what does that show about the mans state of mind. How was he to get his job back by committing and even worse crime. IMO he was high on drugs or insane and there is no reasoning with either type of person. The police could have saved a lot of lives by killing him ASAP. 
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And when dealing with one leaving supposedly with a grenade, police show the world they will not tolerate this garbage.
And yet another great head shot. there is no reasoning with crazy people and a person has to be crazy to take hostages. All one has to do is look at this situation in the OP, a former police officer taking tourist hostages, now what does that show about the mans state of mind. How was he to get his job back by committing and even worse crime. IMO he was high on drugs or insane and there is no reasoning with either type of person. The police could have saved a lot of lives by killing him ASAP.
I can not believe anybody would consider negotiating with a person that has an AK and a busload of people as hostage, with a silly demand and a or else. What profile can you give this type of individual that would suggest anything BUT a clear shot, take it order? Just think....the guy was such a mess not only did he spray the bus, but it only took a family member? LOL....yeah, and all it could of took was a passenger looking at him funny, or a voice in jis head. Just the fact he killed the hostages show the PI special police unit...hahah, were completely inept at any sort of profile, and acted like baboon brained jackasses in how they dealt with this situation. Almost Janet Renoesque in stupidity. Now they blame the brother. :AddEmoticons04230:Do these police actually know anything else but to take bribes?
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Remember, this guy was a decorated officer. Maybe, just maybe he had a booby trap set up. Ya know, shoot me and BOOM. What would you all be saying then? Cops shoot sniper & bomb explodes killing all on board...dumb ass cops should have tried to negotiate and maybe some would have survived...oh wait that's what DID happen. NINE got out before the brother incident.Also, a sniper would have probably taken out the driver, who was just behind, with his high powered rifle. I guess that would be collateral damage huh.

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Mr Lee
Remember, this guy was a decorated officer. Maybe, just maybe he had a booby trap set up. Ya know, shoot me and BOOM. What would you all be saying then? Cops shoot sniper & bomb explodes killing all on board...dumb ass cops should have tried to negotiate and maybe some would have survived...oh wait that's what DID happen. NINE got out before the brother incident.Also, a sniper would have probably taken out the driver, who was just behind, with his high powered rifle. I guess that would be collateral damage huh.
Hostage situations rarely end well, and while I could sympathize for this former senior police inspector past situation, and now for his family and the family of those he killed, he knew going in that he would not come out of this alive and it was basically suicide by cop that he apparently wanted to happen, and unfortunately he got to take a lot of innocent people with him and in doing so may have hurt the country and people that he no doubt loved.I stand by my original thoughts and it really does not matter who a person is or was, or why they endanger other people lives, the facts are that they know what they are doing or they are mentally ill, and either way cannot be reasoned with, and therefore unfortunately need to have their death wish fulfilled. My heart goes out to his family and to the families of those he killed but the taking of an innocent life or lives never makes sense when compared to the ability to take the life of those who threaten to kill others. There is no easy solution in a hostage situation but IMO if more people knew that the only way out would be in a box, then less people would even try to get into those positions. May he now rest in peace. Bloodbath at Rizal Park
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Remember, this guy was a decorated officer. Maybe, just maybe he had a booby trap set up. Ya know, shoot me and BOOM. What would you all be saying then? Cops shoot sniper & bomb explodes killing all on board...dumb ass cops should have tried to negotiate and maybe some would have survived...oh wait that's what DID happen. NINE got out before the brother incident.Also, a sniper would have probably taken out the driver, who was just behind, with his high powered rifle. I guess that would be collateral damage huh.
Hostage situations rarely end well, and while I could sympathize for this former senior police inspector past situation, and now for his family and the family of those he killed, he knew going in that he would not come out of this alive and it was basically suicide by cop that he apparently wanted to happen, and unfortunately he got to take a lot of innocent people with him and in doing so may have hurt the country and people that he no doubt loved.I stand by my original thoughts and it really does not matter who a person is or was, or why they endanger other people lives, the facts are that they know what they are doing or they are mentally ill, and either way cannot be reasoned with, and therefore unfortunately need to have their death wish fulfilled. My heart goes out to his family and to the families of those he killed but the taking of an innocent life or lives never makes sense when compared to the ability to take the life of those who threaten to kill others. There is no easy solution in a hostage situation but IMO if more people knew that the only way out would be in a box, then less people would even try to get into those positions. May he now rest in peace. Bloodbath at Rizal Park
I guess everyone has the right to insert their own scenario in order to support their argument. I have mine: maybe, just maybe he did not have a booby trap set up. Ya know, shoot me but no BOOM. What would we all be saying then? We would be dancing in the street and offeringthe SWAT team sniper a cold case of San Magoo. Sure there may have been victims already killed but it would be less than the actual outcome. Regarding the bus driver in the line of fire:There are at least two snipers at different angles for a cleaner shot to reduce collaterals.I strongly support Lee and Inspector's stance of double tapping the perpetrator's forehead as soon as possible. Unnecessary restrictions called political correctness should never be partof any bargaining discussions. The hell with media coverage and the talking heads analyzingwhat if, should have, could have......A quotation from a US Marine sniper when asked how did he feel about killing a terrorist: hesimply said -- a little recoil.Jake
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A quotation from a US Marine sniper when asked how did he feel about killing a terrorist: hesimply said -- a little recoil.Jake
Nice quote!Off topic, so feel free not to respond. Anyone remember two or three years ago the hostage taking of a bus full of children by an ex/low level politician (?) protesting government corruption. As it turned out, when the parents of the children found out who was the hostage taker, many of them felt comfortable because they knew he was a nice guy who had contributed lots to the community from his own money. In the end, he had a fake grenade, and surrendered. Geez.... what a shame that a possibly great guy would choose such a scary way to make his point, and allow people to dismiss him in the process. On this topic, no sympathy for the corrupt police officer. If he wanted revenge or to threaten someone for his job back, he should've taken it up with whatever hypocritical police board dismissed him. He clearly wanted to die on a grand stage.
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