Zambales mayor charged with rape of 12-yr-old girl

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A Zambales mayor is facing child abuse and trafficking charges for allegedly raping a 12-year-old girl in his rest house in San Marcelino town on Sunday.View the full article

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A Zambales mayor is facing child abuse and trafficking charges for allegedly raping a 12-year-old girl in his rest house in San Marcelino town on Sunday.View the full article
Wow! That's not setup.That policeman didn't question the major because he likes to live.I'm going to set up some goggle alerts to follow this one.I cant imagine him going to jail for this though. The only people I see prosecuted for this are the poor and foreigners.
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A Zambales mayor is facing child abuse and trafficking charges for allegedly raping a 12-year-old girl in his rest house in San Marcelino town on Sunday.View the full article
Wow! That's not setup.That policeman didn't question the major because he likes to live.I'm going to set up some goggle alerts to follow this one.I cant imagine him going to jail for this though. The only people I see prosecuted for this are the poor and foreigners.
Rusty, excellent idea to place this story on google alert. Any bets on whether the victim gets paid off or somehow disappears?Jake
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Rusty, excellent idea to place this story on google alert. Any bets on whether the victim gets paid off or somehow disappears?Jake
Why am I leaving whole words out these days? Trying to do to much?That should be "That's Not A Setup"There are a lot of details on how the mother discovered it. I suspect because most of us wouldn't believe it otherwise. I know I'm jaded.I'm worried about disappears. Paying people off doesn't always work with human trafficking laws.I recently read the law on rape and its built into the law the victim can withdraw the complaint. That is not true with trafficking law.But if the girl retracts her story.......They can STILL go after the mayor because the state can bring charges for merely being in the presence of a minor that you are not related too. They don't even have to prove you touched her.They busted an American near me for that one. He fled the country (the FORGOT? to put a hold on him?) and is now peddling his book on Amazon about the Philippines. That girl went into hiding. The government was going to go after her parents too.The Philippines has the tools to nail him so it will be interesting to see if they actually do. The UN and USA are breathing down the Philippines throat over this issue. So far, its made it much harder for Filipino to leave the Philippines.
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