Is It Possible That Having A Lot Of Kids

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Mr Lee

Taking some of what Traveler has written in one post and knowing how life in some of my extended family seems to be, I often wonder if parents of the poor in the Philippines have that in mind when they have a lot of kids. I know that some of my nieces work to send money home and I even had one niece who was on FH and writing to an American in Florida who sent her money and he finally dumped her for another, so that lead me to ask her what she did with the money he sent, and her reply was a little shocking when she told me that she gave most of it to her parents. My next question was don't you think he sent you the money for you to use for yourself and for communicating with him, and her answer to me was that once she got the money then it was hers to do with as she wished, and IMO that in itself is the mindset that will ruin the chances of her ever getting a foreigner as a mate.   It is my opinion that if a man sends money to a women he is communicating with, that he wants her to spend it on herself and her communications with him. What do you guys think? How would you feel if you sent money to a lady only to find out that she gave it to her family instead of using it for the benefit of you and her? Of course I am not talking about to help with food since my nieces family are not that poor and her father is a good provider and a very nice person that I truly love.I told my niece that she will never get a American if that is how she thinks but the conversation went beyond that, he never told her what to do with the money and she told him she gave it to her parents, so I feel he dumped her for someone who showed better sense, and who either saved the money or refused it in the first place. Am I wrong? Am I too old fashioned? I know one of the reasons I married my wife was because she saved her money and the money I sent her and handed my money back to me when I met her, that showed me she had good values and someone who did not want me for money. 

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Each generation in my in-laws family has fewer children. The grandparent generation were part of an 8 child family. The next generation had 4 children. Now my wife's brother has stopped at only 2 children..

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I don't think having a lot of kids is always planned since birth control is as good as nil so I doubt if the parents think about it as an investment considering many have no means to feed their own.

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