Cebu City awaits bus rapid system

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IF THINGS flow smoothly as planned by the Cebu City government, buses will replace jeepneys in the city’s major roads by 2013.View the full article

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Hope it works out. But i highly doubt it.

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Part of the amount will come from the Clean Technology Fund (CTF), which is administered by a trust-fund steering committee and jointly handled by the World Bank, Asian Development Bank and other multilateral development banks. Villarete said $250 million of the total project cost would come from a World Bank loan, $50 million from the CTF, and another $50 million as counterpart funding from the government.
Fares and taxes will increase as the country slides further in debt to international bankers. .
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Hope it works out. But i highly doubt it.
I hope it works too but I would never like to see the jeepney vanish completely,its part of the culture,an icon to the Philippines.If they get the bus idea off the ground I wonder if the laws will be enforced when taxis and trikes or what ever park at the bus stops causing just as much traffic jam with buses pulling up on the road way.auto_wos2.gif
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