$A At Record Highs, Heads Towards Parity

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Well, I just turned 62 and my Social Security check is pretty small since I've already been receiving a major portion of my other 3 pensions from the government! So, I'm not too much of a burden to the national Social Security System, because the government already had figured it all out to be that way in my situation after working for the U.S. government for 30 years and they even penalized me for retiring 6 yrs early from my government position! Yup, it seems the government just wants to pay out as little as possible! They already had a formula years before to screw with our pensions upon retirement! It's OK though, because my pensions is adequate in the Philippines to live on comfortably. It just sucks that our COLA and pay hikes are almost down to nothing which inflation is beginning to dwindle our hard earned pensions little by little! And if President Obama get's his way, we'll be paying more into taxes eventually!

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