With paper caskets, poor Cavite village comes alive

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COSTLY BURIAL could only aggravate an already unfortunate occasion, especially to a family of minimum-wage earners.View the full article

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Tom in Texas

Too bad this "$50 coffin idea" cannot be exported to first world countries, along with other cost-cutting measures associating with death and funerals. It infuriates me to see families who are at their most vulnerable shamed or ram-rodded into spending $10 - 20,000 to properly "honor" their recently departed, often when they do not know how they are going to pay for next weeks groceries.If you have disposable income to spend tens of thousands of dollars for a copper-clad box to bury in a hole in the ground and a 10 foot tall marble angel to sit in the middle of a pasture full of other buried boxes and statues... and truly wish to do so, then great - go for it.... but many do so because they feel "society" demands it of them to avoid being shunned as cheapskates (often with a whisper and a nudge from the funeral industry).I have preplanned and paid for my "final voyage"..... nixing a "family viewing" or "formal service".... just cremation and a brass canister.... boy, its a lot easier being a cheapskate on behalf of your family when you are still breathing when buying it, but gonna be dead when using it. thumbsup.gifTom in Texas

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I have preplanned and paid for my "final voyage"..... nixing a "family viewing" or "formal service".... just cremation and a brass canister.... boy, its a lot easier being a cheapskate on behalf of your family when you are still breathing when buying it, but gonna be dead when using it. thumbsup.gifTom in Texas
Exactly! For me, it'll be done ASAP within 24 to 48 hrs! I hate fan fare and the after 40 day Filipino prayer for the dearly departed! I say, easy come, easy go and cheap too. doesn't have to be in a brass container either, a cigar box or a small plain white trash bag will do and scatter my ashes anywhere except for in the toilet bowl (I'll haunt anyone whoever does it too)! I'm not a tight wad, just a practical common sense type of person all my entire adult life beginning at age 39! Why 39? That's when all the bad habits ended except for my enjoyable half a pack a day smoking habit and I became a good boy up until the present! 23_11_60[2].gif23_11_59[1].gif:cool_beans:2245_safe.gif:mocking:
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